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关于”我永远不会忘记的一个人“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A person I will never forget。以下是关于我永远不会忘记的一个人的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A person I will never forget

Beijing is the city I will never forget. Beijing is the capital of China. Beijing has a long history and many interesting places.

I will take you to Beijing as your guide. I hope you will be very happy and have an interesting holiday. Do you want to visit the Great Wall? If you go there, it will be very spectacular.

You will never forget it. I am looking forward to seeing you.




My teacher is tall and tall. He looks neither fat nor thin. It happens that he wears a pair of glasses on his face and looks at his thirties.

He is a serious and amiable good teacher. That is my tutor. The "Chengbo banner" teacher speaks very clearly and teaches seriously.

We must have the next class as the only unit. When we are bored, he will say Some interesting things, joking, make us look very happy, but sometimes, because we do not do well in the exam, the teacher will be very angry with us, but I know that the teacher punishes us for our good, he wants us to remember, but the next time we take the exam, we will think of the punishment of the last teacher in our church, the church's hard study test should be old When the teacher is present, we will chat. There is no time and space.

He will tell us to play on the playground. When the teacher is in class, he will tell us some common sense in life except the textbook, so as to enrich our knowledge. Teachers care about us and also care about us.

When we do wrong, he will forgive us the first time, and the next time we make mistakes Tell us, then we must punish us, teachers very much hope that we can be a good student, do a useful person, we will not let the teacher down.




I will never forget the day when I first met my girlfriend. Before I realized what had happened, I was thrown on the concrete road and hit my head on the front wheel of my bike. The dust blurred my eyes and scraped my teeth.

It must be more serious than all the traffic accidents I've heard. I thought to myself that the person who was going to be responsible for the accident was furious, but when I looked up, I found such a beautiful and sweet face that I couldn't refuse, because I laughed as handsome as possible. I asked: sorry, your kindness to me and my later efforts.

Did that girl become my girlfriend It was an unforgettable experience for me.




标签: 三年级 作文 万能 个人 年级

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