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关于”对话介绍家人“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Talk about family。以下是关于对话介绍家人的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Talk about family

A: Please note, Hello, my dear friends. Welcome to my dinner party. The banquet is about to begin.

Let's start now. B: Hi, your food is so delicious. A: Thank you for your praise.

Which food do you like best? B: can you tell me why? B: they are made of meat, but not like hamburgers or other meat, but not good for people's health. A: Oh, yes, Meatballs are delicious, but they don't have too much sugar and fat like ice cream or chocolate. C: what are you talking about? I'd like to eat with you.

D: I hear you talking about food too. B: Oh, yes, we're talking about delicious food. Do you like milk? D: Yes, because milk has a lot of nutrition.

I hope you like milk too. C: I'm interested in this topic. I like the party tonight A: which one C: the eggs and tomatoes my mother often makes for me a: do you know how to make this food C: I know it needs two eggs, then beat them gently, add a quarter of a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of pepper.

Oh, it's a very complicated thing. I can tell you how to make it in the future. A: do you like ice cream? B: Yes, it's delicious.

A: I made it myself. C: really A: Well, Mr. Springer, it's too late for me to eat muffins.

B: I don't think it's too late for me to eat muffins. B: I'll have to eat a little late on the way home The lady said, "how are you, man? Can I get you some butter? Damn it, why not "Miss muffin has a happy face on her face." you've brought me a happy ending. "Mr.

springroll asked" full service. "The muffin lady didn't understand the question, but she said," wait a minute, where's my baby? He has your face all over his face. "They live a happy life, just like a family.


A: 请注意,你好,我亲爱的朋友们欢迎光临我的晚宴宴会马上就要开始了让我们现在开始吃吧B:嗨,你的食物太好吃了A:谢谢你的表扬你最喜欢哪种食物B:我最喜欢肉丸A:你能告诉我为什么B:它们是用肉做的,但不像汉堡包或其他的肉但是对人的身体不好A:哦,是的,肉丸很好吃,但不像冰淇淋或巧克力有太多的糖和脂肪C:你在说什么我也想和你一起吃D:我也听到你在谈论食物B:哦,是的,我们谈论美味的食物你喜欢喝牛奶吗你手里有一杯牛奶D:是的因为牛奶有很多营养希望你也喜欢喝牛奶C:我对这个话题很感兴趣我喜欢今晚晚会上的中餐a:哪一个C:我妈妈经常给我做的鸡蛋和西红柿a:你知道怎么做吗这个食物C:我知道它需要两个鸡蛋,然后轻轻地打鸡蛋,加四分之一茶匙盐和一撮胡椒哦,这是一件很复杂的事情我可以告诉你以后怎么做它a:你喜欢冰淇淋吗BC:是的,味道很好a:我亲手做的C:真的不一样我会多吃一点D:我要尝一尝B:哦,太晚了,我想我现在必须回家了A:你为什么刚到这里B:但已经很晚了我从不在外面呆得太晚A:你想在离开之前再吃点东西B:谢谢我塞了东西A:回家的路上小心点晚安B:晚安有一天斯普林罗尔先生看到一个松饼光着身子,他对松饼女士说:“你好吗,伙计,我能给你拿点黄油吗?见鬼,为什么不“松饼小姐脸上挂着幸福的脸”你给我带来了幸福的结局“斯普林罗尔先生又问了一句“全套服务”松饼女士不明白这个问题,但她回答说:“等一下,我的孩子在哪儿呢?他满脸都是你的脸“他们从此过着幸福的生活,就像一家人一样美味。


A: It's hot today. Shall we go to the beach for a dip? A: B: that's a good idea. Let's bring our swimming trunks and towels.

B: A: do you want to swim in the pool or swim on the beach A: B: I prefer the swimming pool. B: a: Well, we'll pay for the admission fee and change clothes in the dressing room. A: B: what style do you use :.


A: 今天很热,我们去海滩泡一泡好吗A:B:那是个好主意让我们带上我们的泳裤和毛巾B:A:你想在游泳池里游泳还是在沙滩上游泳A:B:我更喜欢游泳池B:A:好吧,我们付入场费,在更衣室换衣服A:B:你用什么款式B:A:嗯,我长时间用蛙泳距离爬行或自由式短距离和仰泳仅为乐趣A:。


When it comes to celebrities, do you know Liu Xiang? He is good at hurdling and is an excellent Chinese athlete. He won the gold medal in the Olympic Games and is famous all over the world. If you think he is one of the famous people, I know that there are many celebrities in our country, such as Yao Ming, Guo Jingjing, Wang Hao, etc., but I prefer movie stars, especially those in Hong Kong, who think they are more famous than sports stars.

When you are like Zhou Xingchi, Zhou Yunfa, Jackie Chan, they are celebrities with many fans, including you like it very much I don't like sports stars. I think they work hard and make greater contributions to our country. Our words sound reasonable.

I like some celebrities in other countries. Who are they? They are Einstein, Edison. They have made great contributions to human beings.

They are also celebrities that we will never forget. Well, in my opinion, celebrities should be those who have made great achievements in our society.




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