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关于”劝朋友学“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Persuade friends to learn。以下是关于劝朋友学的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Persuade friends to learn

Is it better to enjoy your money when you are making money, or is it better to save it for a while in the future? Support your point of view with specific reasons and examples in case of emergency. That's my motto. When I'm spending money or putting it in my savings account in the bank, I always put money in the bank.

I'll have a lot of money for future expenses, such as my education, travel and unexpected emergencies. I need to reserve a sum for these expenses. Temptation is expensive.

I can't rely on my parents to pay all my bills. I have tuition, accommodation, books and miscellaneous expenses. I try to get scholarships to pay for these expenses.

But I know that if I spend money now, I will bear a lot of expenses. I can't pay for my education. I need to save money for my education.

Travel is also very expensive. I don't mean vacation travel I mean it costs a lot of money to travel to and from school, even if it's a special ticket to school first, and then, of course, I want to go back to my family to attend important festivals and occasions. It's expensive to travel back and forth, but it's worth saving for those trips.

It's possible to arrive at any time. I might have an unexpected illness when I was at school. School insurance doesn't cover one of my family members who may need help and I have to send them money.

You can't predict emergencies like this, but you can be prepared. I need to save money for these emergencies. When you're not rich, you can't spend freely.

You have to plan ahead. I know in my life, I'll have to pay for school and commuting home, and I know I'll have and don't I have to be prepared for unforeseen expenses associated with anticipated emergencies. I need to save money for these activities.





Everyone has friends. Friends are people who will help you when you are in trouble, but sometimes we have some unpleasant things with our friends. Maybe we will quarrel about some things.

What should we do if we quarrel with our friends? I tell you, as a friend, you must understand your friend. If he has different things, you should respect your friend's ideas and try to deal with them. But if you really can't get the same idea and even quarrel about it, I think you should say "sorry" to him / her when you are calm.

He / she will forgive you and you can get along well in the future.




Wang Lin Lihua dear Wang Lin, I'm sorry to learn that your English is not good. I want to give you a suggestion to learn English. First of all, you should have confidence in yourself.

This is the first step to learn English well. You'd better make friends with students who are good at English. They are likely to help you.

Third, learning English well is a long process. Remember: reward yourself when you make progress, no matter how This will give you a lot of inspiration, you must not give up learning English, believe that where you have the will, there is hope for my way, your advice will work, Li Hua.




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