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关于”下面对不良情绪“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The following is about bad emotions。以下是关于下面对不良情绪的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The following is about bad emotions

When I'm not happy, I try to stay away from people or situations that annoy me. I tried to be alone and take a deep breath. It helps to calm me down.

I also try to have a glass of water and sit quietly. The cold water calmed me down and listened to the music. I like soft music.

I also try to talk to good friends and tell them that I feel better after I'm done talking to people.






As a child, it is not the appearance of a child, but the emotional control of our life, just like the warmth of our life. I was once locked up in the elevator for an hour and a half, and I had to call for help. Finally, I was released, which was very interesting because I was in a happy mood.

If so, I would feel miserable. Bad emotions can make you lose self-confidence and make you helpless in front of troubles and troubles. We are moody and sometimes we are in a low mood.

This time, we should take courage and change our mood. A good mood will accompany you to the palace of success, to the palace of love, to a happy life. We can live a fuller life, a more interesting and more meaningful person.

Therefore, no matter where you go or what you do, remember to keep a happy mood.





It is not wealth and fame, nor youth and appearance, that accompanies you all your life, but your mood or mental state, which controls your life. In modern times, our emotions are like cars on the highway. The kindness of the neighborhood, the kiss of children, the praise of others are like the warm sunshine, which makes people relaxed and happy.

If a stranger says rude words, buys fake goods from the store, or says insulting words in a joke, you will be in a bad mood and lose heart. A good mood makes people happy, energetic and creative. I had been in the elevator for an hour and a half, and I had to call for help, and I was finally released, which was very interesting because I was in a good mood, otherwise I would have felt miserable.

Bad mood will make you lose self-confidence and make you helpless to all the troubles and troubles. Sometimes when we are in a happy mood, we can enter the palace of happiness with a happy mood. Sometimes we can enjoy our life with a happy mood.

Therefore, no matter where you go, no matter what you do, always keep a happy mood.






标签: 托福 高分 作文

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