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关于”美国朋友对中国古典音乐感兴趣“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:American friends are interested in Chinese classical music。以下是关于美国朋友对中国古典音乐感兴趣的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:American friends are interested in Chinese classical music

Confucius lived very hard in China 2500 years ago. Most people were poor. At this time, a great leader of China was born.

Confucius came from an aristocratic family, but his parents were very poor. His father died when Confucius was three years old. The boy was a very good and obedient son to his mother.

He was quiet, considerate and studious since he was young. When Confucius looked at the people around him, he became very eager to help them. Finally, he left home and began the honesty and kindness of his students.

In memory of their parents, he taught them that a good man would never make himself angry. A lot of his savings have come together, and one of his famous savings is not to do what you don't want others to do to you. He went from province to province, spreading his ideas to all who would listen to him.





Traditional Chinese music is performed by solo instruments or small groups composed of plucked string instruments, flutes, cymbals, gongs and drums. The scale is the pentatonic bamboo pipe and Qin, which is one of the oldest known musical instruments in China. Traditional Chinese orchestras are composed of bowstring, woodwind, plucked string and percussion instruments.

Woodwind instruments include: Flute, Sheng, spareribs, gongs, panxiao, Guan, Zhong, cymbal strings, Zhonghu, Dahu, Banhu, Jinhu, Gaohu, Gehu, YeHu, cizhonghu, diyinge, leiqin, plucked string guqin, Sanxian, Yangqin, guzheng, Ruan, konggou, Liuqin, pipa, Zhusheng, etc. traditionally, Chinese vocal music is performed in single music, with non resonant sound or falsetto It is often solo rather than chorus. All traditional Chinese music is melody rather than harmony.

Chinese vocal music may be developed from Song poetry and poetry. Instrumental works performed with erhu or flute are very popular and often exist outside China. However, Pipa and Zheng music are more traditional and more popular in China.

Qin is perhaps the most respected musical instrument in China. Although few people know what it is or what it is, it is a form of guzheng. Pipa is the most popular one in Henan, Chaozhou, Hakka and Shandong.

It is believed that it was introduced from Arabian Peninsula in the 6th century and adapted to the Chinese taste. It is most popular in Shanghai and surrounding areas.





Dear Peter, I haven't seen you for a long time. I have been thinking about you, because the weather is very good now. I plan to go to the countryside by bike.

Everyone of us can take food for a picnic. On the hillside, the countryside must be very lovely, with luxuriant vegetation, blooming flowers and bright sunshine. We can enjoy the scenery and take photos at the same time.

It is possible for us to meet at the bus stop. I believe we will have a good time with us. You will always,.




标签: 中国 初三 英文 作文 万能

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