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关于”用写一篇午睡“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Write a nap in English。以下是关于用写一篇午睡的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a nap in English

Many people have developed the habit of taking a nap early in the afternoon. I am used to taking a nap from 1:00 in the afternoon. Besides, I usually sleep in the dormitory with my roommate.

If I sleep later than them, it's fun to hear them snoring. We all believe that eating snacks is also good for our health. For our study, because we can recover after a short rest, I suggest that all students have a rest.





Many people are tired after lunch. British scholars have found that taking a nap for one minute every day can eliminate drowsiness. According to the German Bild recently published by Bild, more than two hours of night sleep is much better.

According to doctors, more and more workers in Germany form the habit of taking a lunch break. Taking a nap can not only improve work Incidence rate incidence rate of coronary heart disease is lower than that of the usual nap and North America and North America. The incidence rate of coronary heart disease is high.

The reason is that adults sleep less than 4 hours, and their mortality is more than that of sleep per night. It is a reminder that if you don't get enough sleep at night, can you supplement your sleep properly to help you live longer? However, the individual's physical condition, sleep state, age and disease status are closely related. Among primary and secondary school students and those engaged in mental work, those who have self-change, lack of sleep and physical weakness, nap is more worthy of promotion Elderly people with poor quality also have a real rest by taking a nap to the brain 10 3030% 478180%.


很多人午饭后都累了麻烦英国学者研究这一现象发现,每天午睡一分钟可以消除困倦,据德国《图片报》近日发表的《德国图片报》报道,超过两小时的夜间睡眠效果要好得多,据医生介绍,德国越来越多的上班族在午休时养成午休的习惯,午睡不仅可以提高工作效率,还能预防冠心病观察发现,每天小睡几分钟,使人体激素分泌更加平衡,使冠心病的发病率由研究者认为地中海国家冠心病发病率较低是与习惯午睡和北欧、北美密不可分的,冠心病发病率高,其原因之一是成年人睡眠不足4小时,其死亡率比每晚睡眠小时数高的男性高这是一个提醒,如果晚上睡眠不足,可以适当补充睡眠也有利于长寿吗而个体自身的身体状况、睡眠状态、年龄和疾病状况都是密切相关的,在中小学生和从事脑力劳动的中小学生中,有着自我改变、睡眠不足和身体虚弱的人,午睡更值得提倡的是睡眠质量差的老年人通过午睡到大脑也真正休息10 3030%478180%。


Many people have developed the habit of taking a nap early in the afternoon. I am used to taking a nap from 1:00 in the afternoon. Besides, I usually sleep in the dormitory with my roommate.

If I sleep later than them, it's fun to hear them snoring. We all believe that eating snacks is also good for our health. For our study, because we can recover after a short rest, I suggest that all students have a rest.





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