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关于”永远的友谊“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Forever friendship。以下是关于永远的友谊的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Forever friendship

"A friend, when the rest of the world leaves, you'll find a special friend who has changed your life, is just a part of it, and can make you laugh until you can't stop someone who makes you believe that there's really an unlocked door waiting for you to open. It's forever friendship when you're depressed A world looks black and empty. Your forever friend will cheer you up and make this dark and empty world suddenly bright and full.

Your forever friend will take you through hard times, sad times, and confused times when you turn around and leave. Your forever friend will follow you. If you get lost, your forever friend will guide you and cheer you on.

Your forever friend will hold your hand and tell you that everything will be OK.




One day, when I woke up and took out my mobile phone to watch the news, suddenly, the news of Michael Jackson's death shocked me. My first reaction was that it was a joke or a rumor because there was always news about the celebration, which turned out to be a mistake. But with more information about the man's death, fans realized that their idol had passed away So heartbroken, Michael Jackson is a great music pioneer.

People have lost their great idols. Many pop singers are deeply influenced by Michael's music. They imitate Michael's classic dance and like to walk in outer space.

We can see that many people have been imitating such a great idol. Although he has gone, he still affects people. He is An eternal idol.




If someone told you that I would love you forever, would you believe it? I don't think there is any reason why we should not believe such a promise now, no matter what will happen in the future. As for believing in eternal love is another matter, then you may be asked whether there is love like eternity. I am willing to answer that I believe it, but eternal love is not eternal.

You can unswervingly love or be loved by one person, but love will push with time Change its composition, it will not remain the same as you grow up. With your experience increasing, love will become different from you. At first, you believe that the passionate love for a person can last indefinitely.

In any case, it is because of this change that love is possible to continue. Then the eternal love will end in a kind of interdependence To always insist on the difference between love and liking. One day, the former looks much more beautiful than the latter, but it turns out that there is no need to make such a distinction.

Like is actually a kind of love. Similarly, eternal interdependence is actually an eternal love. I hope I can believe that someone will love me forever.

This is what we all know. It is too romantic. In fact, it is often a kind of lasting The relationship between.




标签: 高分 七年级 作文 友谊 美文

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