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The proverb "share weal and woe, share weal and woe" is one of the most well-known proverbs. It tells you that a true friend is someone who will be by your side when you need him. He will help you when you encounter problems, keep your secrets, and share things with you.

Of course, he will expose all your advantages and disadvantages, and you must take you as your guide If you want to be treated the way you treat all your friends, you must tell your friends the truth. This is the only way to keep true friends. Friendship is based on confidence and sacrifice.

No matter how rich and smart you are, friendship is the most important term for maintaining the peace of the earth. Without it, no one can live happily on the earth In our times, the form of friendship is often negative. I think teenagers from all over the world have different views on friendship.

A true friend is always around you. When other people are against you, you can count on his support. He will help you through difficulties.

This is my view of friendship. I think I can't face all my problems without friends.




A hero is nothing but a product of his time. When a person gains public trust, he should regard himself as a public property. Jefferson's progress is today's activity, tomorrow's guarantee.

Emerson's dissatisfaction is the first step in a person's or a country's progress. The art of progress is to maintain order in change. In order to maintain change in order, a good newspaper, I think, is a The nation that speaks to itself Miller violence is the last refuge of the incompetent for the sake of our freedom.

I don't agree with you, but I will defend to the death your rights, Voltaire. The only condition for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Burke, there is no rule without exception.

Things bought are cheaper than gifts. Difficulties make people face adversity. There is no greater misfortune that can bear misfortune.




13; A bird in the hand is better than two in the jungle. A bad start is always a bad ending. A bad ending is a bad ending.

A bad ending is a bad ending. A bad beginning is always a bad ending. A bad ending is a bad ending.

A bad beginning is always a bad ending. A bad ending is a bad ending. A bad beginning is always a bad ending.

A bad ending is a bad ending. A bad ending is not catching a fly. Ending a mouth is not catching a fly ending a mouth don't catch a fly catch a fly end a mouth don't catch a fly catch a fly don't catch a fly don't catch a fly catch a fly keep a fly keep a fly fly fly 13 frequent visitors are not welcome actions speak louder adversity brings prosperity adversity makes people wise and not rich fair death respects life faithful friends are hard to find Fall into the pit and gain in your wisdom the fox may turn grey, but never be good a friend in need is a real friend ???? ???? ԡ ԡ ԡ agood book is a good friend a good book is the best friend, the same today and forever conscience is a soft pillow a good name is better than a good face a good husband makes a good wife good medicine tastes bitter good wife's health is a man's greatest wealth a talker is a great liar a fence can keep friendship green a joke won't win an enemy, but it will lose a friend A leopard can't change his face a liar doesn't believe a liar is not believed when he tells the truth.


13; 一只鸟在手上,胜于两人在丛林中 一个坏的开始总是一个不好的结局 一只;结束嘴不捉苍蝇 常客不受欢迎 行动胜于雄辩 逆境带来繁荣 逆境使人明智,不富有 公平的死亡尊重一生 忠实的朋友很难找到 掉进坑里,在你的智慧中获得收获 狐狸可能会变灰,但永远不要好 有需要的朋友才是真正的朋友 失去朋友比找到朋友容易 朋友没有缺点永远找不到 “在你之后”是礼貌 好的开始是成功的一半 一本好书是一个好朋友 一本好书是一个好朋友 一本好书是最好的朋友,是同样的今天和永远 良知是一个柔软的枕头 好名声胜过一张好脸蛋 一个好丈夫造就一个好妻子 良药尝起来很苦 好妻子健康是男人最大的财富 健谈者是伟大的骗子 一道篱笆可以使友谊常青 一个笑话不会赢得敌人,但会失去朋友 豹子不能改头换面 说谎者不信 一个说谎者说真话时不被相信。


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