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关于”二胎的优点“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Advantages of second child。以下是关于二胎的优点的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages of second child

I have a very lovely present. This is my birthday present. I like it very much.

It is a very lovely doll. Panda it has two big black eyes. It has a small nose and a small red mouth.

It has black hands and white body. I usually take it for a walk with my family in the park. My little brother likes my panda doll.

When I throw it high in the sky, he often wants to steal it. I tried to catch it, but my little brother grabbed it first. He took it away from me.

I looked and looked, but I couldn't find him all of a sudden. I heard his voice. A tree.

I ran to the tree as fast as I could. My little brother was behind the tree. I took the bear cat doll away from him.





We know that with the development of society, more and more students use mobile phones. They are gifts from their parents, friends or relatives. In my opinion, the disadvantages of using mobile phones are much more obvious than the advantages of using mobile phones.

First of all, the mobile phone will distract us from listening to the teacher in class. When we are in class, the mobile phone rings. Undoubtedly, it will make all of us feel uneasy, including teachers and students.

It will have a negative impact on our learning. Second, we are very clear that using mobile phones can damage our health and brain. According to the scientific research conducted from the perspective of health, let's stop using mobile phones at last, but not at least, many of us use mobile phones to communicate with friends, but the problem is whether they are all good to you, which can easily lead to bad friends.





Chinese people have been practicing family planning for a long time. Most families have only one child. But now the government has relaxed the one-child policy.

I think more and more families have the right to raise a second child. Having a second child has many advantages. It is a good thing for an only child to have a sister or younger brother, so that children can learn to share things.

It's easy for parents to focus all their attention on the only child. They want everything they want. But in the long run, they don't realize that they spoil their children as an emperor.

They can find the selfish side in the only child. If they have a partner, they will realize that they need to share more things with others In order to distract their attention, so that they will not spoil their children, because in Chinese tradition, the elderly are not willing to spend their old age in nursing homes. Two children can share the burden of taking care of their parents.

When they grow up, the only child will be exhausted, and they have their own family care. Third, the more children there are in the family, the more happy the family is to watch the children play and fight. This is a lively phenomenon that brings happiness to parents.

People feel happy.




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