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关于”美国的诞生“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The birth of America。以下是关于美国的诞生的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The birth of America

There are many different climates on the west coast of the United States. The temperature changes little between summer and winter, but the climate in the North Central States is quite different. People wear light clothes in summer, and they need heavy wool or fur clothes in winter.

In the southwest, the climate is warm and pleasant in winter, but the summer is unpleasant hot; in the eastern United States, the temperature in summer is very different from that in winter. In the east of the United States, the temperature in summer is usually very hot, the temperature in winter is usually very cold, the temperature in spring is very comfortable and warm, and the temperature in autumn is cool and pleasant many years ago, people in cold areas of the United States did not often get fresh vegetables and fruits in winter, but It's trucks and trains that carry fruits and vegetables all over the United States, and Americans "pass on their climate to people in other states.


美国的气候美国西海岸有许多不同的气候,夏季和冬季之间温度变化很小,但中北部各州的气候却截然不同,人们在夏季穿轻便的衣服,冬天他们需要厚重的羊毛或毛皮衣服。在西南部,冬季气候温暖宜人,但夏天却令人不快地炎热;在美国东部,夏天的温度与冬天的温度大不相同夏天通常很热,冬天通常很冷春天的温度很舒适温暖,秋天的气温凉爽宜人 多年前,美国寒冷地区的人们在今天的冬天并不经常得到新鲜蔬菜和新鲜水果,但是卡车和火车以这种方式将水果和蔬菜运送到美国各地,美国人把他们的气候“传递给其他州的人。


In China, our first names are made up of first names and surnames. In the United States, people's first names also consist of first names and surnames. However, in China, our surnames come from our ancestors.

In the United States, the surnames are put before the first names, and their surnames are put after the first names. The main difference after knowing the American names is that we must be careful These names, when we address foreign friends, we should call them by their first names. When we are not familiar with them, we should call their surnames.

Don't mix them with Chinese names.




Speaking of the United States, most people will think of those magnificent buildings and lively parties. Because Hollywood movies show us the most powerful America, the media always report how powerful the United States is, and foreign media have been criticizing China. Therefore, people have lost confidence in our country.

Not every country is perfect recently. I have learned a lot about the United States I made a better judgment. A video was made by a Chinese student who had studied in the United States for many years.

He told people that some parts of the United States are like big villages, not every place is like a movie on the screen. He came to the conclusion that there is no perfect country, so we need to take the right attitude towards the country, see the bad side and don't lose confidence.




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