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关于”保护文明遗迹“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Protection of cultural relics。以下是关于保护文明遗迹的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Protection of cultural relics

My hometown my town is the largest city with a population of one million in China. There are many tourists here. I grew up here.

I love my town. I love my village. There are not many people here.

The scenery is very beautiful. The air here is very good and quiet.




Few people pay attention to the fact that Chinese urban cultural heritage is the witness of urban historical development, an important basis for the sustainable development of urban history research, and an important aspect of the protection of historical and cultural heritage. We can take the following protection methods: the whole society should let people know the significance of cultural heritage protection, strengthen people's protection, and then some sites will not be opened to the public and will be destroyed Finally, teacher education makes students realize the importance of protecting cultural sites.




Cultural relic protection technology ① ② x stone cultural relic protection technology ① ② ③ ④ ① ② 5 ③ x ① ② ③ ④ (⑤ ⑥ ① ② ③ ③ grotto mural restoration technology ① 4% 1% 1% ② ③%% preservation and restoration technology of ancient buildings and tomb murals.


文物保护技术①②X石质文物保护技术①②③④①②5③X①②③④(⑤⑥①②③③石窟壁画修复技术①4%1%%1%②③%%古建筑和墓葬壁画保存修复技术3%2 13①%%②③④⑤⑥%5%15。


标签: 八级 作文 真题 文明 保护

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