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关于”电子书的优缺点“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of e-books。以下是关于电子书的优缺点的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of e-books

Three DVD podcasts promote that people spend more time in front of a screen printed book, save trees for the environment of e-books in less time, reduce the backfilling of old paper recycling pits, save transportation costs and environmental pollution, and reduce the transportation of books to the whole country or all over the world. Books are easy to update, easy to correct, and can quickly increase the amount of information. You can quickly find any information in books.

E-books can be searched around the world: you can find the information you need in a lot of books. Portability of e-books you can carry the entire library in one DVD. The benefits of buying cheap e-books: some books are old in the library It has two aspects: one is very old, some pages are still missing; the other is dirty, mostly yellow, so reading e-books can easily solve this problem.

Functionality and convenience: combined with other software, it becomes more powerful and more convenient to update and correct; the author or publisher can easily update or modify books Personalization: close to the idea of pod, special layout can be made on the front cover and back cover according to personal needs, and personal publishing with different contents can be produced: e-books can be used when connecting with the Internet, and books written by individuals can be printed. It also has the advantage of instant delivery of paper books and e-books can reach readers in seconds or minutes, and e-books can be read online Book production costs are low, books can be reviewed, and will not damage the original books, literature can be hyperlinked, more easily access to additional information, e-books can change the interface style, such as font, background, font, etc., more reading, e-book publishing speed more personalized, online review.




E-books have their own advantages, because they have gained so much popularity. First of all, they save us the time to go to the store, buy books or deliver them to your door. This is a very time-consuming process, because time is a very important factor in today's world.

E-books provide us with instant solutions. In addition, some problems make us pay The cost, because there are millions of e-books on the Internet that are free, we can't get into the real world so easily.




If you ask a person whether they often go to the library, I think they will answer you No. the reason why I say this is because many years ago, with the development of e-books, there is no computer. The only way to check the information you need is to get it from paper books, which means that you need to go to a bookstore or a library.

At the same time, with the development of the Internet, people can easily get information You just need to click on the computer, so what you are looking for is that the e-book is a very popular reading form. People can find what they want to read in the computer, such as novels and stories. Then downloading it is so convenient and fast, which can save a lot of time.

We don't need to go to the library. If we are busy, e-book is a good way to read.




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