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关于”汉语和的句子结构区别“的英语句子2个,句子主体:Differences in sentence structure between Chinese and English。以下是关于汉语和的句子结构区别的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Differences in sentence structure between Chinese and English

1、As the English attributive clauses may perform different functions and the concepts they express vary with contexts, the translator usually restructures the Chinese version accordi… 由于英语定语从句在不同的语境中可表达不同的概念,起着不同的功用,译者常须根据句间句群间的逻辑语义关系与汉语规范重构汉语译文。

2、English, which favors hypotaxis, uses more textual themes to make the sentences or paragraphs complete and logical; 英语属于一种形合的语言,结构严密,所以较多使用语篇主位使句子和段落完整;

3、Writing business communications, whether they be letters, reports, or inter-office memoranda, is a discipline entirely separate from learning vocabulary, grammar, or sentence structure. 学写英文商业文书有别于学习一般的英语单词、语法和句子结构。

4、It is reasonable to say that the prepositions of Chinese may be a syntactic result of the semantic demotion of some non-terminating verbs in the serial verb construction or the pivotal construction. 可以说,汉语介词可能是一部分非终结动词在连动结构或兼语结构中由语义降级而产生的句法后果。

5、English is subject-prominent language while Chinese is topic prominent one. 英语是具有主谓结构的语言,汉语是注重主题的语言。

6、Because the needs of expression, Syntax Part can move it's static position. It can not change syntactic construction and semantic structure. It only can change pragmatic function. 在句子的语用平面上,由于表达的需要,句法成分可以移动其静态位置,移位不改变句法结构关系和语义结构关系,只改变语用功能。

7、In addition, Chinese syntactic structure has the characteristics of being implicit, covert and obscure while English syntactic structure is explicit, overt and conspicuous. 另外,汉语句法结构具有内在的、隐含的、模糊的关系,而英语句法结构则具有外在的、显性的关系。

8、Guide the pupils to understand the sentence and understand the differences between English and Chinese. 引导学生理解汉意,并理解英语和汉语的差异。

9、And there exists the limitation of translatability in transliteration owing to the differences between Chinese sounds and English ones in, among others, structure, function and ways of expression. 当然,英汉语音在结构、功能和表达方式上的差异也使音义对应有一定的限度。

10、Use a TMX editor to correct all misalignments caused by normal differences in sentence structure across the different languages. 使用 TMX 编辑器修正由于不同语言句子结构的一般差别造成的所有未对准的地方。

11、It also indicates that the transtated correspondent ratio of English existential constructions is higher than that of Chinese ones. 这同样也印证了英语存现句的汉译较汉语存现句的英译其句式的对应程度要高。

12、Chapter Three puts forward a contrast between those two question types, covering several aspects of formational divergences between the two languages. 第三章从英汉两种语言一些构成差异方面,对两类问句进行了对比。

13、The syntactic comparison of interrogative sentences between English and French in this dissertation is carried out within the framework of TG Theory. 本文在转换生成语法的理论框架下比较了英语和法语疑问句在逻辑形式、句法结构方面的异同。

14、Selective complex sentences and hypothesis complex sentences are used very often in Chinese, and their difference is obvious. 选择复句和假设复句是汉语中常用的两种复句,它们之间的区别较为明显。

15、Syntactic iconicity provides a new perspective for the study of English and Chinese syntactic differences. 句法象似性为英汉句法结构差异研究提供了一个新视角。

16、There may be difference as well as correspondence between the word orders in the structures of topic theme in Chinese and of subject theme in English. 汉语话题主位结构与英语主语主位结构在线性顺序上既可能是相互对应,也可能存在着差异。

17、The article tries to study Chinese and English inversions from the structural differences and effects of expression. 文章拟从结构差异和表达效果两方面对英汉倒装句进行对比研究。

18、Verbal constructions in series as a syntactic phenomenon exist in both Thai and Chinese. However, these two languages display differences in this respect. 连动结构是泰语和汉语都存在的句法现象,但是它们在内部结构形式上存在一定的差异。

19、This structural comparison reveals that Chinese is more iconic than English in the expression of emotions. 本章的结构对比研究表明汉语表达情感的结构比英语更具有象似性。

20、As an embranchment of Southland phylum , distribution of Indonesian modifiers is different from that of Chinese. 汉语、印尼语分属汉藏语系和南岛语系,修饰语在句中的位置分布差异较大。

21、This thesis focuses on verb phrase ellipsis construction (VP ellipsis ) in coordinate sentences and the relevant antecedent-contained deletion structure (ACD) in relative clauses in Chinese. 本文主要研究汉语并列句中的动词短语省略结构及与之相关的关系从句里的先行语删除结构(ACD)。

22、The argument structures of English resultative sentences are determined by those of verbal subevent and constructional subevent. 英语动结句的论元结构取决于动词事件和结构事件的次论元结构。

23、However, there exists great heterogeneity between the two languages in logical cohesion because of their different sentence-building patterns. 但由于英汉小句复合体的构句方式的巨大不同,两者在逻辑衔接上表现出本质性差异。

24、Owing to different languages, cultural backgrounds and social structures, there are pronounced distinctions between English and Chinese address terms. 由于语言、文化背景和社会结构的不同,英汉称谓语之间存在着明显的差异。

25、Between Chinese texts and English texts there exist a variety of differences, which reflect differences between the Chinese and the English in mode of thought, language and culture. 英汉语语篇结构存在诸多的差异,这些差异体现和反映了英汉民族思维模式和语言文化的不同。


26、In the E-C translation, the Chinese clause is frequently employed as the equivalent to the English nominal structure, and the implicit argument can be spelled out explicitly. 在英汉翻译中,英语中的名物化结构常翻译为对等的汉语小句结构,隐含的论元也可明示出来。

27、But it still exemplifies different cultural colors in application because of the fact that the Chinese people favor Notional Passive and the English people favor Structural Passive. 但是,汉语对于意义被动句的青睐和英语对于结构被动句的钟爱,仍然体现了英汉民族迥异的文化观和语用观。

28、Methods of Approach to Study of Speech and Language: Speech Production, Acoustics, Perception, Segments and Features, Phonology , Syntax. 着手研究语音和语言的方法:语音的产生、声学理论、(语音)感知、(语音)区段和特征系数、音系学、句子结构。

29、On the whole, an English sentence is controlled by its subject and predicate with both grammar and meaning as underlying rules. Unlike English, Chinese is topic-prominent. 整体而言,英语句子是在主谓结构统领下的、注重形式和语义的双轨结构。

30、This present thesis aims to explore the characteristics of the syntactic structure of China English (SSCE) in comparison with the syntactic structure of Standard English (SSSE). 通过与标准英语句法结构特征的对比分析,本文考察了中国英语在新闻报道中句法结构的特征。

31、The key to using this structure is to reorganize the original material so as to turn it into outside-part structure. 英译汉时运用外位语结构的关键是对原句进行重新组合,使其转换为外位语结构。

32、Chapter 1 focuses on the relevant constructions in English, namely the double object construction and the dative construction. 第一章研究了与“给”字句结构相关的英语句式,双宾语结构和与格结构。

33、The reversed translation method is: to translate affirmative sentences in English into negative sentences in Chinese or vice versa. 英语中的反译法即将英语的肯定句译成汉语的否定句,或者将英语的否定句译成汉语的肯定句。

34、We claim that these differences are characterised as the following five points:1. they have different forms; 我们认为:汉语法语的否定句的主要差异有以下五个方面:一、汉法否定词的构成形式不同;

35、In semantics, Jianyu construction is of homograph, while SVOC is polysemantic. 在语义上,汉语兼语式是同形异义构块,而英语的SVOC是多义构块。

36、Since both languages differ in cultural psychology, some CPS is translated into Japanese active sentences. 汉日语言文化心理存在差异,有些汉语“被”字句须译为日语主动句。

37、As a syntactical phenomenon, existential sentences are widely used both in Chinese and English. 存现句作为一种句法现象在汉英两种语言中普遍存在,汉英存现句有同有异。

38、In Chinese and Japanese, some attributive clause and headword structures are considered to have ambiguity. 在汉语和日语的定中结构中,有些定中结构的句式有歧义。

39、Learning a foreign language draws your focus to the mechanics of language: grammar, conjugations, and sentence structure. 学习外语会将你的注意力集中在语言结构本身:语法,词形变化和句子结构。

40、These coordinations find expression in TCFL in terms of the predicate-complement coordination, verb-dynamic auxiliary coordination, sentence-ending modals and the directional verbs and so on. 在对越汉语教学中分别体现在汉语“述补”结构组合、动词与动态助词组合、句尾语气词的运用以及趋向动词的使用等方面。

41、The results show that CF marked theme is more common in Chinese mews. This is mainly due to the different internal structures between Chinese and English languages. 然后就英汉新闻进行对比,结果显示CF标记性主位在汉语新闻中更为常见,主要原因在于汉语和英语内部结构的差异。

42、The algorithm aims at the need of the English-Chinese Translation Memory System, considers the structure and the semantic of the sentence. 此算法针对英汉翻译记忆系统的需要,考虑了句子结构和语义两方面。

43、Structural differences of tautological constructions between English and Chinese should never be overlooked though their structural formulae are assumed to be similar. 英汉同语尽管具有相似的结构公式,但其实际结构差异不容忽视。

44、Chapter three offers an inspection of the internal structure of Chinese and Korean compound nouns. 第三章从句法构词法角度对比和分析了汉韩复合名词内部的结构。

45、The Chinese syntactic structure is prone to be lexicalized rather than otherwise. 汉语这一词汇化编码语言的句法结构特点对布氏理论构成了挑战。

46、The former emphasizes the syntactic configurations of the arguments, ignoring the distinction between syntax and lexical semantics; 侧重句法结构的研究强调动词论元所处的句法结构位置而忽略句法学和词汇语义学之间的差异;

47、Considering all these differences in sentence structure, translators find switching subject-predicate into topic-comment sentences is often necessary but difficult in English-Chinese translation. 由于英汉语在句子结构上的巨大差异,英汉翻译中,句式转换通常是必要的但也是十分困难的一个环节。

48、The conclusion of this study is that syntactic processing and semantic processing interact with each other in the late proficient Chinese-English bilinguals'comprehension of English sentences. 本研究结论是:在晚期汉英双语者理解英语句子的过程中存在句法加工和语义加工的交互作用。

49、This thesis focuses on the origin of the difference between the two languages in sentence length and the approaches to translation of long English sentences into Chinese. 英汉语句法的差异要求英语长句汉译基本的原则是破句重组,化繁为简,常用的方法是顺拆译法、逆拆译法及综合译法。

50、The VO structure in Chinese and its corresponding translation in English are different in grammar . 汉语动宾结构和英语对应的翻译相比,在语法结构上的不同。


51、There are sharp differences in the suprasegmental structures between Mandarin and English. 汉语与英语在超音段结构系统中有很大差异。

52、Valence theory is able to explain the combination of Chinese syntactic structure. It can come to preference in terms of grammar, so as to achieve the disambiguation goal. 配价理论对汉语的句法结构组合具有一定的解释力,它可以从语法的角度来进行优选,消除句法结构歧义。

53、As a rule, Chinese topic structures formed by topicalization and left-dislocation are translated into one or more sentences with SVO word order. 汉英翻译中上述两种话题结构绝大多数译为一个或几个具有SVO正常语序的句子。

54、English and Chinese belong to different language families, and great disparity exists in word formation, sentence structure, and word order. 英语和汉语分别属于两种不同的语系,在词的构成、词形变化、句法结构和词序等均存在很大差异。

55、Then, the common ways of Chinese and Russian abbreviation formation are contrastively studied, and the similarities and differences of ways of abbreviation formation are summarized. 其次对比分析了俄语缩略语和汉语缩略语常用的构成方式,总结出了俄语缩略语和汉语缩略语构成方式的异同点;

56、The differences between them have great effect on Chinese students' English phonetic acquisition. 汉英音节结构的差异对中国学生英语语音习得有重要影响。

57、The English identifying clause can be described by the Token-Value configuration. “标记—价值”语法配置结构是描述英语识别小句的一种方式。

58、The syntactic comparison of the Double Object Construction between English and Chinese in this thesis is carried out within the framework of TG Theory and the Argument Structure. 本文在转换生成语法、论元结构等理论框架下比较了英语和汉语双宾结构在逻辑形式、句法结构方面的异同。

59、Contrastive study of syntax structure of yes-no questions in Russian and Chinese is made in part two. 第二部分主要是俄汉语是非问句的句法结构对比研究。

60、Of course, there are many other sentence structures and many other languages. 当然,还有许多其他的句子结构和其他的语言。

61、As a topic prominent language, Chinese is different from English in syntactic structure. 汉语属话题突出型语言,具有不同于英语主谓结构的句法特征。

62、The differences between English thinking-style and Chinese thinking-style exert a great influence on the language structure and function. 英汉语思维模式差异对其语言结构及功能存在很大影响。

63、Other language indicate subjects and objects with cases or other grammatical markers. 汉语和英语一样,是用语序表示句子的主语(施事)和宾语(受事)。

64、As a typical topic structure, left-dislocation construction exists in both English and Chinese languages. But its local context and semantic relationship are quite different between the two languages. 左偏置结构是一种典型的话题结构,也是英汉语共有的一种句法结构,但是它存在的句法环境和反映的语义关系在两种语言中有明显的差异。

65、Chinese agglutinating complement is a kir d of unique and highly used structure in modern Chinese. 粘合式述补结构是汉语独特的语法结构,在汉语中使用频率高。

66、The argument structures of English resultative sentences are determined by the argument structures of verbal subevent and constructional subevent. 英语动结句的论元结构取决于动词事件和结构事件的次论元结构。

67、The Chinese language has what is called the bamboo syntactic structure whereas English has the tree syntactic structure. 汉语的句法结构是所谓的竹式结构,而英语的句法结构是树式结构;

68、Traces in English are mostly generated through movement, thus being constrained by all the conditions on movement. 但由于英语是重句子结构的语言,而汉语是重语篇的语言,故在语迹生成的问题上存有差异。

69、It is widely accepted that ambiguity in syntactic structure results from the different syntactic levels and syntactic relations in an ambiguous syntactic structure. 一般认为汉语句法结构产生歧义的首要原因是句法结构层次不同和句法结构关系不同。


标签: 小升初 区别

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