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关于”六一儿童节“的英语句子33个,句子主体:Children's Day。以下是关于六一儿童节的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Children's Day


1、Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under six.


2、Arthritis afflicts people of all ages, even children, when it is called juvenile arthritis.


3、All the children under

3 years old are to be vaccinated against typhus this Saturday.


4、Keshe: Ah! Listen don't ask this question, this is children program.


5、They found that only 36 and 37 kids respectively needed treatment compared with an average of 67 children on "normal" weekends.



6、According to the rules, the orphanage only had to keep children up until the age of

16, but Jerusha was an exception.


7、Generations of London children have prattled1 the nursery rhyme that begins


8、Method: Fifty-six preschool children, half with and half without SLI, were studied in order to examine auditory-visual integration.


9、But beneath these flagship shows, how good is the rest of children's TV?


10、Dairylea Lunchables contain up to

1.8g of salt – more than half a young child’s recommended daily allowance Photograph: Karen Robinson



11、The first Easter bunny legends were documented in the 1500s.


12、This form must be signed by the applicant for a child under 16years of age, this form must be signed by the parent or legal guardian of the child.


13、The third monthly birthday party was held on Saturday March

13, 2010 at the newly opened Kids' City, Macau largest kids' attraction.


14、Went to school, teaching see hanging in front of the building to celebrate "61" Children of the huge banner, banners below are to allow us to display the broad stage of talent.


15、Then in the wink of an eye, the eight old men all turn into five- or six-year-old children.


16、Nearly all of the cases have been among children younger than six, with most under two.


17、Ivorian children play on the streets of Abidjan June

15, 2005, as the continent prepares to commemorate the Day of the African Child on Thursday.


18、Zeum is one of the children's, it's the children's museum here in the city.


19、To evaluate the treatment of idiopathic chondrolysis of the hip in children.


20、In 1965, Head Start had a $96.4 million budget and served 561,000 children through summer programs.

21、"This is 100 percent made in Palestine --- from A to Z, " he said.这是100%巴勒斯坦制作的儿童节目,从头到尾。」他说。

22、Korean Channel providing quality infotainment programmes such as drama, movie, news and children.提供高质素娱资讯节目,如剧集,电影,新闻及儿童节目之韩国频道。

23、Objective To observe the speech development in monosyllables from Chinese children so as to establish references in the provision of rehabilitation to hearing impaired children.目的调查正常儿童常用单音节词语音发展状况,为聋哑儿童康复提供参考;

24、A flock of children are pulling his dress to want money, he gave one height Tong Yiwen money.一群儿童拉着他的衣服要钱,他给了一个儿童一文钱。

25、In China, family foster care of orphans and disability children is a new model of child welfare and child protection in recent years.在中国,孤残儿童家庭寄养是近几年才出现的一种儿童福利、儿童保护的新模式。

英文句子26:,26、Small host must have six one children to host word or speech and trouble.小小主持人们肯定为六一儿童的主持词或者演讲稿而烦恼。

27、Other kidults still enjoy children's stories and fairy tales.还有一些童心成年人仍然沉溺于儿童故事和童话故事。

28、Children n's Day is our favorite festival. Each year we will hold a party. The most interesting party last year.儿童节是我们最喜爱的节日。每年我们将举行一个聚会。去年最搞笑的聚会。

29、These desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.这些桌椅的高度可以根据儿童的身高调节。

30、I went to take part in the activities of caring for children left home on Saturday.我礼拜六去参加了关爱留守儿童的活动

31、Dear parents We will hold a party in Children's day, welcome 请给好评谢谢

32、Objective:To evaluate the X ray diagnosis of elbow joint trauma.目的:回顾性研究儿童肘关节创伤X线诊断。

33、Bedwetting when asleep is very common in children, especially those under the age of about six or seven.尿床时睡着是很常见的儿童,特别是那些根据年龄约六或


34、Results The water iodine shows difference with urinary iodine and thyroid goiter rate.结果水碘与儿童尿碘、儿童甲肿率之间的关系出现不一致性。

35、It's also strange since it was a childrens' Hallowe'en party, hence no one would be that tall.这也奇怪,因为它是一个儿童的万圣节党,因此没有人会是身高。

36、This is the sixth discussion in a “book club” series on Born to Buy by Juliet Schor, which focuses on consumerism issues and young children.今天“书吧”系列节目将要对朱丽叶·肖尔的《天生购物狂》进行第六次讨论,这次讨论围绕消费主义问题和儿童展开。

37、Parents hold children's hands as they get an early start on a trip to the zoo. To celebrate Children's Day, the zoo gave free entry to all children under 大手牵小手,一大早,家长带著小朋友,来到动物园享受一天的亲子乐,为了庆祝儿童节,园方更招待xx岁以下儿童免费入园。

12 years of age.

38、Objective To understand the correlative factors of children's taking medicine by accidental mistake and lower its possibility.目的了解儿童意外误服的相关因素,探讨如何降低儿童意外误服的发生,为儿童营造一个健康安全的环境。

39、The subjects of this study are fifth and sixth graders in expressive art therapy self-growth groups; the aim of which is to increase subjects' self awareness and interpersonal relationships.本研究以国小


40、Chinese children begin their school at the age of six. 【俊狼猎英,团队为您解答。

41、Children between the ages of 1-3 years of age have rates of iron deficiency between 6-15 percent.一到xx岁的儿童中铁缺乏的百分比在六到十五之间。

42、In the field of education, the basic of kidology and paedeutics is built on the notion that children are objective in existence.在教育学研究中,人们对儿童及儿童教育的把握多建立在“儿童是一种客观的存在”这一观念的基础上。

43、The Austrian state of Carinthia askedthat pregnant women and children under six remain indoors.澳大利亚的克恩顿州要求孕妇以及xx岁以下的儿童待在室内。

44、They're referred to as generation wired, cyber tots, digital kids and screenagers.他们被称为有线的一代、网络儿童、数码儿童、以及屏幕少年。

45、In 2008, milk contaminated with the industrial chemical melamine killed at least six children and caused illnesses in nearly 300, 000 others.xx年,含工业用化学品三聚氰胺的牛奶导致至少六名儿童死亡,另有近30万名儿童患病。

46、Those time, quiet and Ann, Yang to my childhood.儿童的天真和老人的理智是两个季节所结的果实。

47、Celebrations for Dia del Nino, Day of the Child, have been cancelled today.Dia del Nino庆祝日和儿童节今天宣布取消。

48、Last year's "61" Children's Day and the day-to-day holidays, the free market is the "joy pleasance activities" for children were shooting, play music, recitation, the Big Dipper gyro etc.去年的“六一”儿童节和日常的节假日,楼盘都免费开展“欢乐游园活动”,让小朋友们投篮、弹奏乐曲、朗诵、斗陀螺等等。

49、Model child is the dominating image both in children's literature and in childhood narrative, becoming the model in children's life and education.榜样儿童因其模范作用而成为主流的儿童形象,成为儿童生活及教育中的榜样,并成为“童年叙事”的一种主要模式;

50、Broadcast or various child program of running commentary to the students and infants.利用这些设备,定期向学生及幼儿播放或现场转播各类儿童节目。

经典英文句子51:六一儿童节,51、The Fringe also includes theater, dance, comedy, and performances for children.边缘社团也有剧院、舞蹈、喜剧和儿童节目。

52、In last year's Sanlu milk scandal, which killed six and sickened nearly 300,000 children, several celebrities were criticized for having endorsed its products.去年的三鹿奶粉丑闻共导致六名儿童死亡,近30万儿童患病,几位名人因代言了三鹿的产品而受到了指责。

53、Many children a child will be epistaxis , in general, there would be no big problem.许多儿童会儿童鼻出血,一般不会有大问题。

54、One child,please.请买一张儿童票。

55、On Children's Day Li Ming and his parents went to the zoo.在儿童节那天李明和他的父母去了动物园。

56、It is now a children's festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbor's homes to ask for sweets.现在成了一个儿童节日,节日期间孩子们打扮起来,去邻居家要糖果。

57、Children play around a bonfire in Kart-e-Sakhi cemetery in Kabul, Afghanistan, Saturday, Oct. 30, 2010.xx月xx日星期六,阿富汗首都喀布尔萨基墓地。一群儿童正围绕着篝火在做游戏。

58、The majority of products marketed during children’s programming are foods.儿童节目中插播的大多数产品广告都是食品商的。

59、A child in Lesotho can expect to live 42 years less than a child in Japan.据预计,莱索托的一名儿童会比日本的一名儿童少活xx年。

60、Methylphenidate is the most widely prescribed drug for the treatment of ADHD in children but is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in children younger than 利他林是没有被FDA允许用于小于xx岁儿童而又在治疗儿童ADHD北最广泛应用的处方药。


61、He said: "British children are among the most sleep-deprived in the world."他说:“英国儿童现在是全世界儿童中最缺乏睡眠的人群之

62、Rose would also like to thank opened, the Children's Day will never Viiv!玫瑰花开了还要谢,儿童节永远欢跃!


标签: 儿童

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