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关于”背的技巧“的英语句子38个,句子主体:back skills。以下是关于背的技巧的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:back skills


1、Learn how to Nollie Backside 180 on a skateboard from an instructor in this free skateboarding tricks video.


2、For TIP on using nofollow tag, please see


3、The art of letter-writing is fast disappearing.


4、Another common technique is long polling.


5、The violinist is quite skilled.


6、The skills involved in coaching are some of the same skills that distinguish a good journalist: listening attentively and asking good questions.


7、Will you pamper her with your dressing skills?


8、Excellent written and spoken translation skills.


9、This is a learnable skill like any other, and it probably will feel a bit awkward the first time.


10、"If that is correct – and it applied to manipulative skill – then that suggests there should be alien technologies, " he said.


11、Photo Tip: Add layers to your composition—that is, multiple elements beyond the main subject, such as foreground and background elements.


12、Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet.


13、It must be very difficult for them to be trained as very skillful acrobats .

外向,有效的沟通技巧,亲和力强,演讲技巧, 适应在复杂的组织结构中工作与国外同事。

14、Open and effective communication style, excellent public presentation skills, strong people skills, be able to work in a cross-organizational team.


15、Exams may be a not-so-bad solution to test the ability to remember something by rote or to answer questions quickly yet under great pressure.


16、In terms of artistry, the thesis discusses how literary theories of Conrad and Mencken influence Fitzgerald and how Fitzgerald's use of setting contributes to his role as a romantic moralist.


17、We must further encourage, support, and require the development of "soft-technical" skills that support the culture of quality and produce highly maintainable code.


18、Proficiency at driving down market-related costs.


19、So a couple of commands and then an interesting code and then the teaser, that's a teaser.


20、This backlit technique also lends itself very well to Black and White images as you can see in the two examples above.

21、So, we’ve gathered some helpful tips.因此,我们搜集了一些有用的技巧。

22、Trump possess skills. Skills can be learned. Whether he's a smart man or not will be determined by the path he takes.川普有技巧。技巧可以学。他是聪明还是愚蠢都将由他选择的路来决定。

23、Nonlinguistic factors: including psychological factors, listening skills and strategies, background knowledge.非语言因素。 主要包括心理因素,听力技巧与策略,背景知识等。

24、Did someone teach her the technique?有人教过她这个技巧么?

25、Here is a tip for those who live on higher or lower levels of the apartment: you may exercise your dog by walking to the top of the floor of your building and coming down by using the elevator.等到骨骼发育完全了再这么做,否则你的狗的背会发展成弓形背。这里有个小小的技巧,你可以带着你的犬只走到楼顶,然后坐电梯下来。

英文句子26:,26、Can a New Behaviorally Oriented Training Process to Improve Lifting Technique Prevent Occupationally Related Back Injuries Due to Lifting?一个新的行为训练程序可以改进因职业性抬举运动所致腰背损伤者的抬举技巧吗?

27、Objective To study the operative technique and effects of piggyback orthotopic liver transplantation (POLT) on the results of treatment for end - stage liver diseases.目的 研究原位背驮式肝移植治疗终末期肝病的手术技巧及临床效果。

28、Generalization and concretization are common translating techniques.虚实转换是常见的翻译技巧。

29、Do a front side pop shove it with tips from a sponsored skateboarder in this free video on skateboarding tricks.做一个正面推流行与技巧正是在这样的免费视频,从赞助商滑板滑板运动的技巧上。

30、Learn how to cut an appliqué out of fabric for your guitar strap with the tips in this free video series.了解如何切断与技巧的织物贴花在这一系列为您免费视频吉他背带。

31、These techniques are numerous and proven.这些技巧很多,而且很实用。

32、Could beat people with skill. Could outrun people.以技巧取胜;超人一等。

33、It takes skill to tune a piano.为钢琴调音需要技巧。

34、Try these compelling tips from the experts.试试下面专家给出的实用技巧。

35、Save your new technique for next time.把你的新技巧保留到下次。

36、The aching hollowness in sleight of hand.还有我灵巧戏法背后阵阵作痛的空虚。

37、Technique 技巧

1: Homogeneous namespace design


38、After all, in order for this trick to work, the impostor has to have a transparent background!归根结底,这技巧的运作状况良好,视点替用特效需要带有透明背景。

39、Techniques for measuring and interpreting team velocity.评测和解释团队进度的技巧。

40、You need practice to improve your skills.你需要实践来提高你的技巧。

41、It teaches managers basic skills such as time management, conflict management and work/life balance.它传授给经理人一些基本技巧,例如时间管理、冲突管理和工作与生活之间的平衡技巧。

42、Skilled painting techniques to ensure power supply for your speed, Ultra-high painting techniques to ensure your product requirements.熟练的画功技巧保证为您供货的速度,超高的绘画技巧保证您的产品要求。

43、I'm not confident about my parking skills.我对我的停车技巧还不够信心。

44、He shall seduce with intrigue those who violate the covenant.作恶违背圣约的人,他必用巧言勾引

45、Financial Journalist: I think schools are a great, great place to teach people the "technicals" behind how money works.金融记者:我想学校是教育人们金钱运作背后的“技巧”的理想之地。

46、Teach CORRECT performance skills to make sure students will NOT SUFFER later when they start to learn advanced skills.教授正确规范的钢琴演奏技巧,使学生在钢琴演奏技巧提高的道路上一路畅顺,不走弯路。

47、Nature's Blessing is now a trainable skill.大自然的祝福现理解力技巧。

48、Let me introduce some skills of skateboards.我来介绍几种滑板技巧。

49、The beginning acoustic effect, which moves sluggishly, is to reminisce Joyce and Proust who initiated the composing technique of "stream of consciousness".启始的凝滞的音响效果,是对开创了“意识流”写作技巧的乔伊斯、普鲁斯特等人背叛性的缅怀;

50、Learn how to get started creating memory books and more in this free online video clip on scrapbooking tips & techniques.了解如何开始创造这个免费的在线视频剪辑拼贴技巧及技巧的书籍和更多的内存。

经典英文句子51:背的技巧,51、Cubs need to be taught hunting.小狼崽需要教授狩猎技巧。

52、Manufacturing handicrafts required manual skills.制造手工艺品需要手工技巧。

53、You should have a basic background in card sleights if you wish to perform all of this material.如果你希望执行所有这材料,你在卡片技巧应该有基本的背景。

54、Good kiting skills are essential for a good launch technique.纯熟的顶伞技巧对良好起飞技术而言是有必要的。

55、Can a New Behaiorally Oriented Training Process to Improe Lifting Technique Preent Occupationally Related Back Injuries Due to Lifting?一个新的行为训练程序可以改进因职业性抬举运动所致腰背损伤者的抬举技巧吗?

56、Trick 技巧

1: Unmounting the unresponsive DVD drive

1:卸载无响应的 DVD 驱动器

57、If you have a specific problem that requires special skills you hire a specialist who has those skills.如果您遇到一个需要特殊技巧的特定问题,就需要雇佣一位具备那种技巧的专家。

58、This investiture of the grotesque and impossible with reality, he looked upon as a trick - a skilful trick at best.他把这种荒诞离奇与现实的杂揉只认作是一种技巧——最多是一种聪明的技巧。

59、Back to back slices technique apply with blonde tone.使用背靠背片染技术涂放金色系。

60、This strong backlighting turns up in many of his other films: the aliens walk out of light in Close Encounters, E. T.像这样的背景灯光技巧出现在他很多其他的电影中:这是来自于第三类接触的灵感,像是E。

61、This technology which can recognition humanity's voice accuracy and execute command will be widely used and of important research value.那非一项让机器能准确地识他己类的语音并履行相闭动做的从要技巧,具无普遍的当用背景和从要的研还价值。

62、For an introduction to the concept behind roundtripping please read the previous tip as listed in the Resources section.想要获得往返背后的概念的介绍,请阅读 参考资料部分中列出的前一个技巧。

63、Works on the performance skills, involving some difficult shaanxi harp playing skills, to send performance ability and skill percussionist demand is higher.作品在演奏技巧上,涉及一些难度较大的陕西筝派演奏技巧,对演奏者表现能力与演奏技术要求较高。

64、The accuracy of the procedure depends in part on the technique used and the experience and skill of the radiologist.这个过程的精确性部分取决于技巧的运用和放射科医生的经验与技巧。

65、As the rapid development of computer technology, MIDI-based virtual instruments have been booming and have also fundamentally changed the structure of traditional instruments.反在盘算机技巧飞快收铺的背景上,基于MIDI技巧的实拟愁器也得到了蓬勃收铺,自基本上改变了传统愁器的构造形式。

66、The article will cover the motivation behind the new technology and the performance improvements it provides, as well as hints and tips on tuning this new option.下一篇文章会涉及到这种新技术背后的动机、它提供的性能改进以及关于调优这个新选项的提示和技巧。

67、Maybe this is the most obvious tip of all, but it is also one of the most frequently forgotten.可能这是所有技巧中最显而易见的一个,但是它也是最容易忘记的一个技巧。

68、Boundary Conditions, Homogeneity, Solution Techniques.边界条件,齐次性,求解技巧。

69、Technique 技巧

2: Heterogeneous namespace design

2 异构名称空间设计

70、There are three types of skills needed by our technical professionals.我们的技术专业人员至少需要的掌握的三种技巧。

71、Good problem solving skills and good interpersonal communication skills.有良好的解决问题的技巧及好的人际沟通技能。

72、They play the blues like nobody's business.他们演奏蓝调的技巧无人能敌。

73、There are memory tricks which will allow you to remember facts like this and they are easily learned.有许多记忆技巧能够让你记住像这样一些事实,同时这些技巧是很容易学的。

74、Mahjong skills are the warp and woof of mahjong competition, skills in, under the condition of stable mentality, the level of the persons, just normal can be obtained.麻将技巧是麻将竞技的根底,技巧只需在,心态平稳的情况下,搓麻将的水平才可得到正常的体现。

75、Choose the right backpack for survival kits with tips from an experienced outdoorsman in this free video on wilderness survival.选择这个免费视频的野外生存技巧的生存与包来自经验丰富的户外运动背包的权利。

英文句子模板76:back skills,76、We learned all the tricks of privatization.我们学到了私有化的所有技巧。

77、Generally used for flatland skills and freestyle routines.一般用于平地技巧。

78、Best of all, Txt2Html uses a number of programming techniques that are common to a lot of different Web-oriented uses of Python.Txt2Html 最大的优点是使用许多编程技巧,而这些技巧对于不同面向 Web 使用 Python 是共通的。


标签: 技巧

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