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关于”介绍学校“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Introduction to School。以下是关于介绍学校的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Introduction to School


1、Four out of the successive presidents of the century-old Beijing University originated from Shaoxing.


2、President Ng also introduced the University's preparations for the 3-3-4 academic reform regarding academic programmes and campus development.


3、And the third chapter introduces the main point of calculating charge and checkout thoroughly.


4、Introduce your bedroom to your classmates or friends.


5、The text just introduce the structure, theory, character of optic modulate and application about liquid crystal wave-front corrector.


6、Let me start by thanking you, Chancellor Perlman, for your kind invitation and warm introduction.


7、The third part discusses the principle of developing school-base courses.


8、I’m a newcomer here. I would really appreciate it if you could clue me in on the library of the school.


9、Chapter Two: Performances of NMDS during the anti-Japanese war.


10、The beauty of technology by introducing the practice of medicine teaching methods and explore career academies improve students practical ability means.


11、I want to thank Vice President Chen of this great university for being present here and hosting my visit.


12、The third chapter, by observing masks school education and non-school education in Bali, Indonesia, defined clearly Bali masks school inheritance situation.


13、It approached target schools by sending 'menus', including each speaker's introduction and an outline of their specialist lecture. The school then decided which speaker to invite.


14、The article on wireless LAN technology, construction of a wireless campus network, Zibo Vocational College to the new campus and the campus wireless network for example, the preliminary design.


15、The simulation and experiment on NTN were discussed also.


16、Chapter Four: Dramatic studies of NMDS in modern drama.


17、Chapter Three: Dramatic works of NMDS in modern drama.


18、In third part, first , the author introduces the background and the special function of the enterprise-owned school during the planned economy.


19、Thank you for your last letter asking about our library…


20、Please describe the mathematics courses you took in college.

21、First introduced the development of model school-related content for the next study provides theoretical and practical basis;首先介绍了学校发展模式相关内容,为接下来的研究提供理论与现实的基础;

22、About 21 percent of the students at the university’s Marshall School are international.该学校的马绍尔商学院拥有21%的国际学生。

23、The visitors, by coming along to BIEI, introduced its foundation programme and both sides had an discussion about international joint academic programmes within the School.来宾介绍了该校的本科预科课程,我方也就在艺术和社会科学学院范围内进行合作办学与来宾进行了探讨。

24、This article describes the computer music's ways and means by applying in non-academic music teaching.本文还介绍了电脑音乐应用在校外音乐教学中的方式与方法。

25、The calibration method of leakage rate with the gas low range standard apparatus is introduced.介绍了气体微流量标准装置对漏率的校准方法。

英文句子26:,26、Meanwhile, the practice of sport dancing course in our college has also been introduced. Moreover, the authors have briefly summarized the effects and enlightenments of this reform.本文分析了体育舞蹈课在普通高校受到欢迎的原因,介绍了我校开展体育舞蹈教学的做法,同时总结了教学的收效与体会。

27、School leaders are the bridges between upper leaders and school staff.学校领导者是上级领导和学校群众之间的中介人。

28、This essay introduces the application of electric teaching media in college physical teaching and probes into the new teaching model, means and methods.介绍电教媒体在高校体育教学中的运用 ,探索体育教学中新的教学模式、手段和方法 ,为推进当前高校的体育教学改革积累资料。

29、Discussed the rebuilding and application of an automobile redirector rack automatic straightening machine.介绍汽车转向器全自动校直机的改造及应用。

30、Then, the thesis introduces the actuality of the editing and publishing education in the universities of China.然后以表格的形式,对开设编辑出版学专业高校的办学情况进行横向总体介绍。

31、Third part, introduction, Launch the practical exploration of Inquiry Learning upon metallurgical specialized course in secondary vocational school under IT environment.第三部分介绍在信息技术环境下中等职业学校冶金专业课中开展研究性学习的实践探索。

32、And then we moved to some general introductions to some foundational ideas in the study of psychology, Freud and Skinner.接着我为大家概要地介绍了,一些基本的心理学知识,介绍了弗洛伊德和斯金纳的学说。

33、Part I introduces the background of the English curriculum reform in the secondary vocational school, pointing out the significance of English school-based curriculum development.第一部分介绍中等职业学校英语课程改革的背景,指出英语校本课程开发的重要意义。

34、The comparative measurement method for vacuum gauge calibration is introduced. The construction, principle and process of the calibrator are described.文章介绍了对真空规管和仪器进行校准的比对法,阐述了校准系统的结构、原理及校准方法;

35、MBA schools directory compiled by the association of MBAs (AMBA), which includes advice on choosing a school; tables of specialist schools; open and distance learning degrees and the graduate outlook.AMBA 收集并编辑的院校介绍,包括关于如何选择学校的建议;按专业划分MBA 的课程表;远程教育等等。

36、First it has made the introduction to the theory background, then has defined what is modern ethos of schools, and sketchily summarized its characteristic and the representation.首先对现代学校的精神气质的理论背景做了介绍,进而界定了何谓现代学校的精神气质,并粗略地概括了学校现代性精神气质的特征及其表现。

37、The calibration principle, the design method and the parameters selection for the pressure leak calibration apparatus are introduced.该文介绍正压漏孔校准装置的校准原理,设计方法,参数选取。

38、Lawn types as well as plant morphological characteristics and habits in Ankang University were introduced. Corresponding suggestions for the application of lawn plants in campus were put forward.介绍了安康学院校园草坪类型和草坪植物形态特征、习性,并对安康学院校园草坪植物应用提出了相关建议。

39、He also introduced some of his campus environment. The good scientific environment aroused the students' faith of studying abroad.他还介绍了一些他的校园环境,良好的科研环境也激起了同学们的兴趣。

40、This article could be a supplement to today's medical textbook, which told little about Wang and his works.补充了当今中医学高等医药院校教材及其他相关医学著作中对王洪绪学术著作介绍不多的情况。

41、To begin with, Vice-dean Li introduced briefly the aim of Chinese college English Teaching and the characteristics of English teaching in IEC.首先,李峰副院长简单介绍了我国大学英语教学的目的和要求,并介绍了我院英语教学的特色。

42、The non-linear calibration method of Pt-resistance that mea- sures temperature is introduced.介绍了铂电阻测温非线性校正方法。

43、After researching advantages of school educational and non-school educational heritage, the aim of the thesis is to introduce masks into school education and find a better way to pass and protect it.本文将从介绍和分析印度尼西亚巴厘面具学校教育和非学校教育的基础上,将中国面具引入到学校教育中加以传承和保护,更有利于解决中国面具所面临的传承困境。

44、Principle and class of active power factor correction(APFC) are introduced.主要介绍了有源功率因数校正(APFC)的工作原理、电路分类。

45、Part2: The background of education before adjusting, the researcher will introduce the reason why to adjust the layout of Huanren's elementary and secondary schools, and it's originated.第二部分,桓仁县义务教育学校布局调整的背景:介绍桓仁县为什么要进行中小学校布局调整以及调整的缘起;

46、The Online Writing Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology is also introduced in this article in the.本文还介绍了华中科技大学网上写作中心,希望抛砖引玉,让更多的学校利用网络来辅助学生的英语写作。

47、Inspection teams in the school campus to see the propaganda field, a library, a health teacher lectures and related information, listen to a briefing about.督查组在所到学校查看了校园宣传栏、图书馆、卫生教师讲课和相关资料,听取了有关情况介绍。

48、Discusses the goal of higher mathematics bilingual teaching. Illustrates the current status in the College. Introduces the main methods of bilingual teaching and the effects of practical teaching.论述了大学数学双语教学的目的,说明了本校数学双语教学的现状,介绍了运筹学课程双语教学的主要方法及实践效果。

49、The atmospheric correction algorithm, bio-optical algorithms and optical properties of aerosols (especially absorbtive aerosols) are also described.具体介绍了大气校正算法的原理、生物光学算法及气溶胶的相关知识。

50、Harvard names Stanford Medical School Professor Alan M. Garber as its next provost斯坦福大学医学院艾伦·加伯教授被哈佛大学任命为下一任教务长,包括他的个人介绍,斯坦福大学校长及同事的感想,以及哈佛大学的公告。

经典英文句子51:介绍学校,51、Chapter five and six:introduction of the funds arrangement and construction progress.第六章:介绍了示范校项目资金安排与建设进度。

52、Service learning into the project trainees MP returned:content focuses on training trainees. Organize trainees exchanges, and presentation of the award of the business results.服务学成归来的MP项目学员:内容主要介绍参训学员、组织学员交流和介绍学员取得的商务成果。

53、They were required to introduce themselves in Chinese and to meet and interview two new friends from other schools.其第一个活动就 是用所学的汉语在各自的队伍中作自我介绍,并且认识至少两位来自别校的小 同学。

54、The diamond turning principle of the unitary W. F. C. is introduced .介绍了整体式波前校正器的金刚石切削原理。


2 introduced basic issues of the academic digital library construction evaluation;


56、Mr. Xu Jinjia, the school representative, introduced the general situation of the university and the unique features of Alberta in Canada.大学代表徐锦佳先生认真地向每一位在座的学生介绍了学校的总体情况、大学所在的爱德蒙士的风貌和阿尔伯塔省的特色。

57、PLOT:The new term in Hogwarts started again. Dumbledore introduced the new potion professor, Horace Slughorn, who had been a teacher in Hogwarts before.剧情:霍格沃兹魔法学校的新年度再度展开,邓布利多向学生介绍魔药学教授斯拉格霍恩回来任教。

58、The article introduces technology application of soil-air type land source hot pump through main building engineering of TangShan institute north school region.本文结合唐山学院北校区主楼工程介绍土—气型地源热泵技术应用。

59、This review focuses on organisational travel plans for schools, tertiary institutes and workplaces.这篇回顾则是针对学校,高等教育机构和工作场所的团体性旅行计划做介绍。

60、Nilai College - Offers degree and diploma courses. News and events, academic, tour, international students, application forms and recruitment. Located in Bandar Baru Nilai.领峰学院-提供商业资讯、资讯工艺以及英文课程。含学院介绍和学术课程介绍。

61、This course is an introduction to basic properties of ionizing radiations and their uses in medicine, industry, science, and environmental studies.本课程是介绍游离辐射的基本特性,与其在医学、工业、科学、与环境研究上使用的介绍。

62、At the beginning of the 20th century, many students went to Japan from China and studied in the medical colleges of Japan.介绍了清末留日医学生的总体情况,对其在日本就读的学校分布进行了统计分析;

63、The research work made and the achievements obtained in Queensland University in Australia and China's Northeast University and Huainan Mining Institute are also presented.介绍了澳大利亚昆士兰大学、我国的东北大学和淮南矿业学院等院校在该项技术方面的研究工作及成果。

64、左非常友好的介绍,也谢谢这个伟大大学的陈副校长的到场和接待,还要谢谢戴安?I want to thank Vice President Chen of this great university for being present here and hosting my visit.

65、If you're invited to tours or orientation sessions at your new school, by all means go.如果在新学校,你被邀请参加旅行或着新生介绍会,尽量去参加。

66、When studying in New Zealand, UNITEC Institute of Technology will introduce comfortable and economical off-campus apartments to students.到新西兰之后,新西兰联合理工学院会给你介绍校区外舒适的经济住房。

67、This article introduced what Shanghai University of TCM has done on the construction of new-built laboratory.该文介绍了上海中医药大学新建校区实验室建设的一些做法和体会。


标签: 介绍 学校

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