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关于”中的成分“的英语句子59个,句子主体:The ingredients in。以下是关于中的成分的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The ingredients in


1、There is far more of Berlioz than of Shakespeare in the resulting work.


2、The hydrocarbon oil composition is divided into alkanes, cycloalkanes, aromatics.


3、In the % Comp. (Percent Complete) field, type the percentage of completion for the tasks you want to update.


4、The method does not need iterative operations which are essential for traditional fractal generation methods.


5、Most of the steel cast into finished shapes is medium carbon cast steel.


6、Getting the proper ingredients for Chinese steamed fish;


7、Conclusion:Fatty acids were main components in the volatile oil, among which octanoic acid accounted for 42.08%, and n-hexadecanoic acid 22.81%.


8、Those who had to recall both their mediator and the translation got scores averaging 51 percent if theyd been in the pretesting group and just 34 percent if theyd only studied.


9、ObjectiveTo abstract and isolate the active components from the flower of Edgeworthia Chrysantha Lindl.


10、You see partially hydrogenated oils as an ingredient in many foods.


11、Those who had to both their mediator and the translation got scores averaging 51 percent if they'd been in the group and just 34 percent if they'd only studied.


12、Objective: To separation and identification the active component from Zantedeshia aethiopica.


13、The state-owned sector's clout in the overall economy has increased since SASAC was launched.


14、The lower left, the components are encapsulated into three larger components with less cohesion.


15、Category I---- Analytical procedures for quantitation of major components of bulk drug substances or active ingredients (including preservatives) in finished pharmaceutical products.


16、This study was to investigate the monosaccharide compositions and molecular property of extracts from Graptopetalum paraguayens E.


17、Angiosperm predominates in the halophytes flora in Bohai-Bay.


18、Dihydromyricetin(DMY), the major flavone in Ampelopsis grossedentata, is one of the important active ingredients in Ampelopsis grossedentata.


19、To develop man-made product by biosynthesis technique to replace saiga horn component partially in most patent traditional medicine;


20、In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes.

21、Min-nan Region is an important part of both south-eastern China and of areas ringing sea of southern China.闽南地区既是中国东南地区的一个重要组成部分,也是环南中国海地区的一个重要构成部分。

22、Temp. , Old World Temp. , and Mediterranea, W. Asia to C. Asia. Temperate elements accounted for 38.4% and Tethys elements accounted for 36% at genera level.在属的水平上,温带成分和古地中海成分占优势,分别占总属数的38.4%和36%。

23、Plasma fractionation membrane is very important in double filtration plasmapheresis.血浆成分分离膜在双滤法血浆分离中起重要作用。

24、Results:43 compounds were separated and 33 of them were identified.结果:检出43个组分,鉴定了其中的33个成分。

25、Preliminary Extraction and Purification of Anticoagulant Component From Morus alba L.桑叶中抗凝血活性成分的初步分离与纯化。

英文句子26:,26、Borneol is an effective constituent in lots of active Chinese drugs.冰片作为常用的中药,是多种中成药的有效成分之

27、Those who had to recall both their mediator and the translation got scores averaging 51 percent if they'd been in the pretesting group and just 34 percent if they'd only studied.需要回忆“介质”以及释义的小组成员中,先前在测试较多小组中学习的成员平均分为51分,而那些曾在不测试小组中学习过的成员平均仅为34分。

28、Application of biochromatography in screening the biol…生物色谱法在中药活性成分筛选中的应用。

29、pain is just fear leaving the body痛只是成长中的一权部分

30、Chemical Composition More than 180 compounds have been identified in propolis , and many are biologically active.蜂胶中含有超过180种化学成分,大多数是具有生物活性的成分。

31、Through determined the active ingredient of seabuckthorn different parts to try to explain the anticancer active ingredients of seabuckthorn extract.通过对沙棘不同部位中活性成分的测定,试图解释沙棘提取物中抑瘤抗癌的活性成分。

32、Mysteries The consecrated elements of the Eucharist.圣体圣餐中被奉为神圣的成分。

33、While some components of the Oriental diet may protect against heart trouble, the higher sodium content of sauces counter that benefit.东方饮食结构中的一些成分能够保护心脏,但酱类中的高钠成分则又会抵消这一作用。

34、Synthesis and ring-opening polymerization of macro-cyclic polymeric intermediates are one of the most highly sought-after targets in polymer synthesis.巨环形高分子中间体的合成与开环聚合反应是高分子合成中最受瞩目的发展重点之

35、But they wanted to pinpoint the precise factor in curcumin, which is a complex compound.但他们想查明姜黄素中确切的成分,因为姜黄素是一类混合成分。

36、pain is just fear leaving the body痛只是成长中的一部分。

37、During score-setting sessions (there is one for each AP Exam) composite scores are translated into AP scores by setting boundaries for each score based on a statistical technique called equating.在分数合成过程中(每科AP考试)的复合分都要通过统计方法中的比较对照法转化成AP分。

38、So many translators are exerting great efforts to try to convert the untranslatable elements into translatable ones.因此许多翻译家竭尽全力地寻找将双关中的不可译成分转化成可译成分的方法。

39、N200-like component elicited by real words is assumed to be the first part of N400 in our experiment.本实验中真词诱发的N200类成分,我们认为它是N400的子成分。

40、pain is just fear leaving the body痛只是成长中的一部分

41、The PEG RP isoflavones solid dispersions formed more hydro-keys resulted by -OH in the molecules.PEG葛根黄酮固体分散体中,借分子中的·OH形成更多的氢键。

42、The results showed that phenolic acid and flavonoids distributed more in the flowers of L. japonica than in the stems and leaves of L. japonica.结果表明忍冬中的酚酸及黄酮类成分在花中的分布比茎叶中多,而糖类成分在茎叶中的分布较花中多;

43、OBJECTIVE: Isolate active compounds from natural medicinal plants.前言: 目的:从天然植物药中分离活性成分。

44、Certain dialects in modem Chinese are the connatural component of the Ancient Chinese, and many lexicons from the Ancient Chinese are still alive in today's dialects.现代汉语方言中的某些语言成分,正是昨天古代汉语中所固有的成分;

45、The translation of the classic Chinese novels into European languages was a significant component of this process.其中,中国古典小说的西译构成了“中学西传”的重要组成部分。

46、It is suggested that the interferential constituents should be considered in the assay of Chinese medicines and preparations by spectrophotometry.建议用分光光度法测定中药及制剂中成分含量时,应考虑被测药本身所含的干扰成分。

47、So this is the composition in the gas phase.这是气相中成分的比例。

48、Stalk and leaves are rich in nutrients and good for feeds.成熟的茎叶中,丰含营养成分,为优质粗饲料。

49、The spectral imaging technology is applied to active constituent detection of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) in-vivo.为了实现中药主要活性成分的在体检测,运用光谱成像技术检测中药活性成分。

50、The results showed many liposoluble compositions of frankincense and a little liposoluble compositions of myrrh in the decoctions.结果显示:乳香在水煎剂中其脂溶性成分大部分已溶出,没药在水煎剂中其脂溶性成分溶出较少。



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