黄帝内经英语翻译 英语

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黄帝内经的英语是" Yellow Emperor",其次还可以说成"Huangdi Neijing",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与黄帝内经相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Yellow Emperor

黄帝内经翻译为 Yellow Emperor 。

示例:第二部分为《黄帝内经》中“神”范畴的研究。 The second section examines the concept "spirit"in the Huangdi Neijing.


2. Huangdi Neijing

黄帝内经翻译为Huangdi Neijing。

示例:分别论述了《黄帝内经》生命哲学的现实意义及其对现代人的启示。 Deal with separately the practical significance and inspiration for modern people of the life philosophy of Huangdi Neijin.


3. Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor

黄帝内经翻译为 Inner Canon of Yellow Emperor 。

示例:中华医学最早的经典之作《黄帝内经》中就有关于香包的记载。 The earliest Chinese medical classics Huangdi's classic on Medicine has the record about sachet.


4. concept -

黄帝内经翻译为 concept - 。

示例:Sapindus... Doctor's Concept... DOCTOR'S CONCEPT...



1. yellow emperor(黄帝)

2. Neijing(内经)


3. huang ti( 黄帝;

4. melampodium divaricatum(黄帝菊)

5. domestic operator(国内经营人)

英语短语&俚语, Plain Questions ( 黄帝内经素问 )

Great Simplicity of Internal Classic ( 黄帝内经太素 )


1. Huangdi Was the Leader of Cathaysian Ancestor in Legendary Times from Nomadism to Farm


2. Huang Di arrived on planet Earth in a flying dragon.


3. Legend has it that it was Lei Tzu, wife of the Yellow Emperor, ruler of China in about 3000 BC, who discovered silkworms.

译文:传说是公元前xx年左右,中国统治者黄帝的妻子雷子发现了蚕。 。

4. The idea of Taiyi in Jiugong is one of ancient Chinese Fangshu and some of the viewpoints in it were borrowed into the Yellow Emperor's internal Organs.

译文:太一行九宫是中国古代方术之一,《黄帝内经》理论的建构,也借用了太一行九宫的思想。 。

5. His image is the chief of military democracy in the later stage of patrilineal clan.


6. Zhang Chun, Great General of Da Qi Emperor


7. Chinese people often refer to themselves as "descendants of Yandi and Huangdi".

译文:中国人常说自己是“炎黄子孙”,这个说法跟传说中的人物黄帝和炎帝有关。 。

8. From

3 typical cases of cardiopalmus , insomnia and amenia, it exemplifies the directing meaning of internal Classic in clinic.


9. Huang Di brought order to the chaos, creating China's first empire.

译文:黄帝为混乱的社会带来秩序 创建了中国第一个王朝。

10. Yellow Canons internal Medicine was the classic work of TCM. it was a monumental medical work which involving in many other subjects.


11. if we were to have a boy, he could be Wong Tei-Pau.

译文:如果我们生女儿叫黄妃 儿子就叫黄帝。

12. Porper tariff can protect national economy.

译文:合理的关税可以保护国内经济。 。

13. The second Chapter introduces the domestic operational strategy of the Weichai Group.

译文:第二章,潍柴的国内经营战略; 。

14. Yilian is one of the shops that sell unauthorized photographic equipments and have good reputation in mainland.

译文:艺联是国内经营水货器材信誉较好的商家之 。

15. The prehistoric society in China entered the chiefdom stage during the Huangdi period and became to form a chiefdom alliance.

译文:我国史前社会在黄帝时期就已进入酋邦阶段,并开始结成松散的酋邦联盟。 。


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