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关于”有关天气“的英语句子58个,句子主体:About the weather。以下是关于有关天气的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:About the weather


1、Since I need to keep my eye on the weather, having real-time barometric pressure and elevation is key.



10 natural disasters with the highest number of deaths are related to extreme weather condition.


3、Ms. Frizzle´s class is learning about the wind and it´s a perfect day for flying kites.


4、Season, recording the seasonal section of order books, mostly in the scope of today's agricultural meteorology.


5、Settlements in the board room, Mr. Chang are very concerned about the daily weather forecast.


6、Winter is a high-incidence season for heart disease, due to the cooling climate.


7、What strange weather we're having!


8、Water Parks subject to seasonal or weather closures.


9、Gas hydrates above BSRs and free gas beneath BSRs are related with gas recycling and methane-bearing fluid flux.


10、My favorites include weather, Force Quit, and hardware monitoring apps.


11、Can achy joints really forecast the weather?


12、The gas accumulation in the Kela

2 gas field has been widely noticed.


13、Naming the days of the week, the months and the seasons. Learning weather-related vocabulary.


14、The sensible heat exchange coefficient was positively proportional to the air-sea temperature difference and negatively to air temperature.


15、Then there's the weather.


16、One day their luck runs out.


17、The weather conditions command our daily attention as we graph and chart the amount of rain. We have entire television stations dedicated to the weather around the world.


18、The key to being ready to race in warmer weather when you're training in the cold weather is to get acclimatized to warm weather.


19、We are experiencing a slight delay becase of the weather.


20、My guess is that the answer is not in the skies, but more likely related to a precarious gas line.

21、Conclusion: There is a correlation between arthralgia of rheumatic diseases patients and weather changes.风湿病病人关节疼痛与天气变化有关。

22、U18: Here are some facts about seasons.这里有一些关于事实和天气的资料。

23、The gns storage technique is a key technique for natural gas vehicle(NGV).贮气技术是天然气汽车(NGV)的关键技术。

24、Almost no private gas stations can now be found in northern China.在镇南关过的北方基本上找不到私有的天然气站了。

25、It has nothing to do with scarves or the cold weather.这和围巾、寒冷的天气一点儿关系都没有。

英文句子26:,26、The hills, of course are different. The weather!山当然也不同。关于天气!

27、Without air, there would be no wind or clouds.没有空气,会有无风或云。将没有天气。

28、As the main and typical structure in diapir area, DF1-1 diapir develops a lot of faults and cracks, virtually related with gas accumulation.根据DF1- 1的成藏特点 ,强调断裂系统与天然气运聚的相互促进关系 ,建立了断裂系统与天然气成藏关系模式 。

29、These phenomenon indicate that the gas in placanticline is in a state of moving.这些现象表明长垣内部天然气处于非稳定状态,长垣天然气的变化与深部气有关。

30、It is indicated that the pattern of mesoscale divergence and its change are closely related to the severe weather, which could often predict the appearance of mesoscale weather.提出中尺度散度扬的配置及变化与中尺度天气(如强天气和暴雨)有十分密切的关系,它往往能预示中尺度天气的出现。

31、You left the gas jet on again. One of these days we'll all be blown to kingdom come.煤气的喷口你又没关。总有天我们都要被炸上天的。

32、But such are the hazards of writing about the weather, the climate or anything that flows from either.但是,这也就是进行有关天气、气候或任何形式的流动的写作时所必需冒的风险。

33、inches of snow and sleet last week. 上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹.

34、Crude oil to gas is related to the natural gas production and oil consumption, thus the objective evaluation is of great importance to hydrocarbon exploration.原油裂解成气关系到天然气生成和原油消耗,因而客观评价该过程对油气勘探有着重要意义。

35、and getting rid of natural gas plants, for instance,同时关闭天然气工厂等等,

36、Yang Cheng: Sorry to have kept you waiting.杨成:抱歉让你久等了, 韶关天气。

37、Kyiv says it was this stoppage that forced Ukraine to close the pipelines that supply Europe.基辅说,俄罗斯切断天然气的输送迫使乌克兰关闭向欧洲提供天然气的管道。

38、The window was closed and the stink was overpowering.窗户关得严严的,房间里臭气熏天。

39、Recite the new words about weather.背默关于天气的一些词。

40、By 2100, even without climate change, damages from weather-related hazards may triple to $185 billion annually.到xx年,即使没有气候变化的因素,与天气有关的灾害所导致的损失也可能会增加三倍,达到每年1850亿美元。

41、Scicchitano said FEWS NET accumulates real-time data about weather, crops and livestock to track the course of food security.西奇塔诺说,FEWS NET收集有关天气、农作物和牲畜的实时数据,跟踪有关粮食安全的进程。

42、Helping countries counter weather-related risks, such as drought帮助各国应对诸如旱灾等天气相关风险;

43、Dynamic meteorology physical meteorology general meteorology synoptic meteorology plus courses in climatology micro-meteorology hydro-meteorology and other related disciplines;动力气象学,气象物理,普通气象学,天气学,加上课程,在气候学,微气象,水文气象和其他相关学科;

44、And the use of this knowledge in exploration and recovery of oil. gas, and related bitumens.并用此知识于石油、天然气及有关的沥青勘探和开采。

45、Still, the statistics meteorologists have collected on extreme weather events aren't enough to prove that the weather is getting worse.尽管这样,气象学家收集的有关极端性气候事件的统计数据,还不足以证实天气正越变越糟。

46、Becauseof this association, they are seen as "in charge" of water-related weather phenomena.由于这种关联,他们被视为“负责”与水有关的天气现象。

47、Meteorology is a very practical science because everyone is concerned about the weather.气象学是一门非常实用的科学,因为人人都关注天气。

48、One of the few things you can say about English with absolute certainty is that it has a lot of weather.在关于英语的问题中有极少数是你有绝对把握的,其中之一就是英语总是与天气有关。

49、In Matthew 最早关于这个预测天气的方法的记录见于圣经。马太福音

16.2-3, Jesus says to the fishermen, "when it is evening, you say, 'It will be fair weather, for the sky is red."


50、"I don't really know the cause but it seems to be cold-related," Child said.“我确实不知道是什么原因,但似乎它与天气寒冷有关,” 恰尔特说。

经典英文句子51:有关天气,51、It was found that the florescence and time of flowering, pollen production appeared not only in close correlation with the weather cond-ditions and the air temperature, but also with the air humidity.指出花期、花时和开花量不仅与天气型和温度有关系,而且和空气湿度有关系。

52、Snowfall is one of the meteorological disasters in Shaoguan.全市性降雪是韶关市的灾害性天气之

53、For the changeableness of the weather depends on the nature and motion of the air, and on the amount of moisture, and the direction of the winds.天气的变化决定于自然环境的特性和空气的运动,也与空气中水分含量以及风向有关。

54、First of all there’s often contractual regulatory issues related to the utilization of this gas.首先,我们经常遇到与使用这种天然气有关的合同规定的问题。

55、Weather, climate and the climate of opinion matter in complex ways that invite—some might say require or demand—the attention of both scientists and historians.具有复杂关系的天气、气候及相关的观点吸引了(一些人会认为是需要或要求)科学家和历史学家的关注。

56、This weather plays the devil with my aching joints.这种鬼天气让我的关节很痛。

57、The major reason for natural gas accumulated in Upper Shihezi Formation and Shiqianfeng Formation may be related to gas migration in "chimney" style from Lower Permian series.上石盒子组-石千峰组天然气聚集的主要原因可能与天然气的“烟囱式”运移有关。

58、Weather, climate and the air we breathe, the theme of World Meteorological Day this year, reminds us of the close relationship between them.天气、气候和我们呼吸的空气,由于今天这个世界气象日的题材,提醒我们他们之间的密切的关系。

59、Authorities say bad weather may have caused the vessel to overturn.有关当局说,恶劣天气可能导致此次翻船。

60、It is the key among them to take the rational effective measure to get balance between the operation of electric power plants of gas fuel and adjusting the peak with gas.发展燃气电厂和扩大天然气应用是能源结构调整战略中的重要组成部分,采取合理有效措施协调燃气电厂运行同天然气调峰之间的矛盾是其中的关键。


标签: 天气

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