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关于”强调句型的用法“的英语句子4个,句子主体:Emphasize the usage of sentence patterns。以下是关于强调句型的用法的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Emphasize the usage of sentence patterns

1、然后,她就会强调一句:“我们这里的红叶很好看呢!” "Here the red leaves are very beautiful! "She adds.

2、What the theory of descriptions emphasized is the syntax of first-order logical language, and what it criticized is the syntax of ordinary language. 摹状词理论强调的是一阶逻辑语言的句法,日常语言的句法是它批判的对象。

3、It is thought that the action doer is the topic focus of a passive sentence, which emphasizes the role of subject in contrast with the sentence background. 文章认为,施事在被动句中有跟句外的背景进行对比,以强调施动者是此而非彼的作用,因而是被动句中的话题焦点。

4、This "usage" statement can be called when the script is invoked with the "-h" flag, such as: ./test-bucket-1 -h 调用脚本时,使用“-h”标志可以调用 "usage" 语句,如下所示

5、The latter, which is proposed by the Cardiff Grammar, foregrounds the nature of discourse generation, which places emphasis on the singularity of syntactic structure. 加的夫语法采用的树形图着重体现的是理论生成性质,强调句法结构生成的一次性。

6、Use box-quotes to emphasize your key points or the most interesting sentences in your post. 在你的帖子中使用方块引号强调关键点或最有趣的句子。

7、Notice that Groovy's switch is a bit more powerful than C-like languages switches in that it is possible to use any kind of object in the switch and case. 请注意Groovy的switch语句比类似C风格语言的switch语句要强大一些,在Groovy中可以在switch和case语句使用任何类型的对象。

8、Neither sad nor disappointed will I be again! 你的那句没错,我的是强调形式,语气更重些。

9、Assonance: The repetition of similar vowel sounds, especially in poetry. Assonance is often employed to please the ear or emphasize certain sounds. 类韵:在诗歌中相同或相似元音的重复,它的目的主要是用来使句子悦耳动听或用来强调某个音。

10、It was how the young man had learned five foreign languages( )attracted the audience's interest. A. so that B. that C. what D. in which B 强调句型“正是这个年轻人学会五种外语的办法引起了观众的兴趣。”

11、It is perhaps just owing to these unconsidered factors by the author that contributes to their disparages in healthy conditions rather than their possession of pets. “也许正是由于这些作者未考虑到的原因而导致了他们健康状况的差异而非拥有宠物与否” 希望用上强调句型。

12、The subtext is that much tougher regulation is required. 这句话的潜台词是,更加强硬的调控是必须的。

13、There will be no possibility for a girl to like me. 各种句型和专业说法任您挑选使用!

14、You can use all capitals effectively for short headings and to emphasize individual words or phrases in the text. 在短标题中使用大写很有有效果,或在文本中强调个别词或句子。

15、Two invocation models using WSIF 两种使用 WSIF 的调用模型

16、In the classical and "theme propulsion"situation the usage of passive sentences is more than others, and while emphasizing the condition of agent the usage of it is few. 典型场合中,在“主位推进”条件下使用被动句的情况最多,而在强调施事条件下使用被动句的情况最少。 在语料库中还出现了“不该用而用”即被动句的误用情况。

17、Postpositioning the sentence elements and prepositioning sentence elements are the two major means of stress by shifting the order of words in a sentence. 通过改变词序来实现强调的手段主要有“句子成分的后移”和“句子成分的前置”,而“成分后移”在这两种主要的强调手段中又占主要部分。

18、To emphasis this point, I have used RGB and HSV colour models. 为了强调这一点,我用的RGB和HSV颜色模型。

19、Refrains can also serve to emphasize a particular idea. 叠句也可以用来强调某个观点。

20、The methods presented are applicable to both dynamic and segmental delivery. 这些方法同时适用于动态调强和静态调强。

21、The concessive complex sentences have subjective, so they have more pragmatic functions. 让步复句是主观性较强的复句,故它的语用性也较强。

22、The adjustable mounts are to used for heavy-duty and large and medium-sized machine tools. 调整垫铁适用于重型、大型、中型机床使用。

23、An enhanced white balance menu lets users choose between "sodium" and "mercury" settings to accommodate those types of lights. 一个加强的白色衡量菜单能使用户在钠和水银之间中调节光的类型。

24、Statements can also be created directly on the model by calling Model.createStatement() with the subject, predicate, and object of the triple. 通过使用三元组的主题、谓词和对象调用 Model.createStatement(),还可以直接在模型上创建语句。

25、It's great for showing that you've already expressed something and you want to emphasize that point to you are conversant. 在表明你已经表达过某个观点并且想要再次强调的时候,这个句型非常有用。


26、My father and mother are my parents. 这句谚语强调母亲的重要性。

27、The former emphasizes the syntactic configurations of the arguments, ignoring the distinction between syntax and lexical semantics; 侧重句法结构的研究强调动词论元所处的句法结构位置而忽略句法学和词汇语义学之间的差异;

28、It is my mother who is the most beautiful person in my heart. 在这句话中,运用的是强调语句,这里强调的是my mother。

29、"Here the red leaves are very beautiful! "She adds. 然后,她就会强调一句:“我们这里的红叶很好看呢!”

30、Call flow modeling: Rapid modeling of SIP call flows using enhanced sequence diagrams 调用流建模:使用增强程序表的 SIP 调用流的快速建模

31、When a generic method is called without specifying type arguments, a type inference process attempts to infer type arguments for the call. 当不使用特定类型的参数调用一个泛型函数时,类型推断会尝试为此次调用推断参数类型。

32、We use this pattern to emphasize a point that has possibly been expressed in the past. 我们用这个句型来强调过去曾经表达过的一种观点。

33、Aggressive shampooing must be avoided. Use conditioners specially created for permed hair. 要避免使用洗涤力比较强的香波。烫过的发头要特别强调使用护发素。

34、Security-critical types and members must use link demands to enforce security for calls from outside the assembly. 安全关键类型和成员必须使用链接要求以强制来自程序集外部的调用的安全性。

35、The data source statement cache size can be tuned using a few different methods. 可以使用一些不同的方法来调优数据库语句缓存大小。

36、the people who thought tomatoes poisonous would be surprised。 (用特殊疑问词how是该句子的倒装,起强调作用。

37、=He seemed to have been Beijing before. 句型3. It is / was+被强调的部分+that(who)+剩余的部分.如:

38、Use unique looking sub-headings and emphasis. 使用独特的副标题和强调符号。

39、Strongly typed invocations can only be done on a j-typed reference. 强类型调用只能在 j-typed 引用上完成。

40、it is a coincidence that we met,but it is a destiny that we know each other! 后俩句是强调句~

41、Since some college or university courses are " practical" rather than theoretical, they stress "doing" and engagement. 由于一些大学的课程是应用型的,而非理论型的,他们所强调的是“动手”和参与。

42、My father likes sports while my mother likes music. 4. 这句谚语强调母亲的重要性。

43、Used to emphasize it has been some time since an action took place. “早”强调动作行为的发生里现在已有一段时间,句尾常用“了”。

44、I like" is a useful pattern for firming that yes, you want to do something. I like” 是一个很有用的句型,它可以用来强调你想要做的事情。

45、A new acousto-electro-optic modulator is introduced. It can modulate the laser intensity by electrooptic effect, and deflect the modulated beam. 介绍了一种新型反常声电光调制器,它可以用电光效应实现激光强度的调制,而使用声光效应来控制调制光的偏转方向。

46、SFG model stresses the selection of character net. SFG模型强调特征网络的选择来生成句子;

47、=He seemed to have been Beijing before. 句型3. It is / was+被强调的部分+that(who)+剩余的部分.如:

48、In English, some questions have a rising intonation. 英语中有些疑问句使用升调。 。

49、You can use boldface for headings and for words and sentences you wish to emphasize. 你可以标题你想强调单词的句子用黑体。

50、This results in a syntax for calling members in generics that is no different from the syntax for non-generics. 这样,调用泛型中的成员所用的语法与调用非泛型中的成员所用的语法别无二致。


标签: 初中

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