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关于”保持健康的方法“的英语句子39个,句子主体:ways to stay healthy。以下是关于保持健康的方法的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:ways to stay healthy


1、One form of training, however, has been shown to maintain and improve brain health — physical exercise.


2、Developing and maintaining a healthy sleep cycle is the only way to overcome the effects of sleep deprivation.


3、Remember maintaining a healthy lifestyle gives you a head-start on beating stress.


4、The portal enables several key aspects for tele-health professionals.


5、Colostrum is a healthy food and it should be part of our daily food regimen to maintain good health.


6、But on the other handa good many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain a regular and wholesome lifestyle.


7、The health condition of desert-grassland soil takes an very important place in production of animal, environment protection, soil and water conservation act.


8、"For parents, the message has to be a balanced and healthy approach to feeding children," Woolford said.


9、Fitness will help you stay in shape and enjoy your retirement as well.


10、Among them, the legal reform in 2006 is undoubtedly the most important one. Taiwan's National Health Insurance System ("NHI") faces similar fiscal problems in recent years.


11、I think it's also good to make our bags light and keep us healthy .


12、The healthy and environmental lifestyle can not only reduce the air pollution and water pollution, but also can build up a healthy envrionment in which we shall enjoy the life in higher quality.


13、And O'Toole says she has basically kept up the healthy habits she learned at home.


14、There are many activities in daily life, you stay mentally in shape and is as effective exercise of the brain, regardless of age.


15、Conserving mollusk 's germ plasm resources is a reliably guarantee of sustainable development of aquiculture.


16、Elizabeth Bernstein tells us how to say goodbye and maintain healthy relationships over long distances in ways that go deeper than poking on Facebook.


17、We could find ways to preserve bodily health but would fail to put off age-related mental deterioration.


18、Super Multiple-Nutrient Supplement in Easy-To-Swallow Soft Gels to Help Keep You Feeling Young and Healthy.


19、Have enough sleep for over all health and well-being.


20、Should carry on reform of exchange rate properly under retaining stability and development of micro-economy and healthy operation of finance.

21、Healthy foods notoriously cost more. But there are ways to eat nutritiously on a budget.健康食品当然要贵,但是也有一些方法让预算的食物一样吃出健康。

22、Support the change of roles among primary health care staff from working predominantly with physical disorders to a more holistic approach to health care that incorporates physical and mental health.支持初级卫生保健工作人员中角色转变,从主要处理躯体病症转为将躯体和精神健康相结合的更为整体的卫生保健做法。

23、Eating healthy foods, drinking lots of water and eating water-rich foods is the best way for keeping your liver healthy.吃健康的食物、喝大量的水和吃富含水分的食物是保护肝脏健康的最好方法。

24、Strengthen the management of eco-industrial park and guarantee its healthy and sustainable development.加强生态工业园的管理,保证园区健康、持续的发展。

25、Humans have long dreamt of finding the 'fountain of youth' – a way to prolong life, sustain health, and even achieve immortality.一直以来人们都梦想着找到“不老泉”——一种延长寿命、保持健康甚至长生不老的方法。

英文句子26:,26、He and many others agree that maintaining a fit lifestyle is the key to keeping your brain healthy. That means eating right, exercising regularly and remaining socially active.他和其它一些人都认为保持健康的生活方式是大脑健康的关键,也就是说应该注意饮食,经常锻炼身体和参加社会活动。

27、Under federal tax law, employer-provided health insurance is not subject to taxation. This provides an implicit subsidy for health insurance.根据联邦税法,雇主提供的健康保险不纳税。这是对健康保险的一种隐性补贴。

28、Responsible for daily management of safety and health, and ensure compliance to all safety and health, and statutory requirements;负责日常性安全和健康管理,确保安全和健康符合法规和标准要求;

29、"Companies are recognizing they have to find a way to get control of their health care costs, " Challenger said.“各家公司都承认,他们需要找到控制医疗健康支出的办法,”查伦哲说,“他们希望能确保不健康的员工不会拖累健康的员工,所以他们都在进行全面的健康计划,来应对医疗费用危机。”

30、Methods General Health Questionnaire(GHQ-12) and Social Support Rating Scale(SRRS) were examined in 133 doctors.方法用一般健康问卷(GHQ_12)和社会支持问卷(SRRS)对133名医生进行测试。

31、A: Health insurance is only one way people can get coverage for medical care.答:健康保险是一种人们可获得医疗保健覆盖的唯一方法。

32、These healthcare methods not only are highly effective to physical healths , but also have remarkable therapies to heart-brain health and losing weight.这些保健方法不仅对人体健康有效,而且还对心脑健康和减肥,都有十分显著的疗效。

33、A Super Multiple-Nutrient Supplement in Easy-To-Swallow Soft Gels to Help Keep You Feeling Young and Healthy.一款超级综合营养的补充品,方便吞服的软胶囊,让你保持年轻和健康。

34、The health center has akangarooclinicKangarooClinic, a special area for teaching this method.在健康中心有个袋鼠诊所,这里是从事教导袋鼠保育法的地方。

35、Eating Healthfully should always be a long term vision, never look for quick fixes when it comes to health – Consistency is key .健康饮食才应该是长远目标,别妄想有什么健康速成法——持之以恒才是关键。

36、It's no secret that many people cook the benefits right out of broccoli instead of steaming it lightly for two to four minutes to protect its healthful properties, she said.显然很多时候花椰菜的健康益处因为烹饪方法的不当而损失,正确的应该是用文火蒸2-4分钟以保持它的健康品质,她说。

37、Keeping your brain in tip-top shape as you age is every bit as important as keeping your heart healthy.由于你年龄是一个单元,保持你的大脑在最佳状态和保持你的心脏健康同样重要。

38、The author put forth the health education, including keeping the patients in good emotion, improving inhabitation care and seek social help.因此,必须加强健康教育,加强康复护理,采用寻求社会支持等手段,使病人保持良好的心态。

39、And in many ways we can -- if we keep ourselves healthy -- actually improve our brains.如果我们保持自己的健康,我们可以在很多方面真正改善我们的大脑。

40、"For parents, the message has to be a balanced and healthy approach to feeding children, " Woolford said.伍尔福德说,“对于父母来说,喂养小孩宗旨应该要选择健康和保持稳定的方式。

41、They want to roll back the law that will finally stop health insurance companies from denying you coverage on the basis of a preexisting condition.他们想否决将能最终阻止健康保险公司拒绝对已有健康问题的人提供保险的法律;

42、Conclusion Scaling is the most effective way to remove calculus and plaque; following correct oral health behavior is the key for oral health maintenance.结论口腔洁治术是去除结石、菌斑最有效的方法,但后期正确的口腔卫生行为是保持口腔健康、维持疗效的关键。

43、Mono-unsaturated fat is the healthiest of the fats and remains liquid at room temperature.单不饱和脂肪酸是最健康的脂肪,在室温下保持液态。

44、Objective: Methods are discussed to safeguard health of international medical-team member in succor.目的:探讨国际灾害医疗救援队员的健康保障方法。

45、The younger generation sees this as only one means to keep themselves healthy, " says Lin."林彬说:年轻人认为这只是保持健康的一个途径。

46、Rest and quiet, and change of air afterwards, were the best remedies which Mr. Dawson could suggest for her benefit. (The Woman in White)从她的健康着想,道森先生所能提出的治疗方法也只是休息,保持安静,并在以后调换一下环境。(曹苏伶译)

47、He was known for his legislative achievements on health care, civil rights, education, immigration and more.他最为人知的立法成就包括健康保险、公民权利、教育和移民等方面。

48、Mild exercises shatter the traditional myth that only strenuous sports can build up people health. Relaxing, less-strenuous exercises can help people maintain their fitness.温和运动提倡放松的和相对轻松的锻炼方法,它打破了定期的艰苦运动才能保持健康的神话。

49、Methods 方法采用自行设计的调查表,对12例持续植物状态患者家属的健康知识和健康教育需求进行评定。

12 family members of patients with persist vegetative state were investigated by questionnaire(self-designed) to assess their health educational needs.

50、"There's no point in just telling patients to 'be healthy', " said Dr Farrimond.“仅仅告诉病人保持健康是没有意义的。” Farrimond博士说道。

经典英文句子51:保持健康的方法,51、Throughout the month, but especially at mid-month, keep your health up to par and pay special attention to teeth, bones, and digestion.整个月份,尤其是月中,保持一个较高的健康水平,要特别关注自己牙齿、骨骼或者消化系统的健康。

52、We anr sure it will be an ideal place for you to make more friends and to keep fit.我们确信这将是一个很好的地方让你交更多的朋友并且保持健康。

53、And some may not be healthy.而且有些方法不利于健康。

54、Here, though, I’d like to play devil’s advocate and talk about some of the ways these technological advancements can actually help our mental health.在这里我只想开开人们的玩笑,谈谈一些利用技术进步来实在地帮助我们的保持心理健康的方法。

55、Implement and apply continuous improvement programs for health, safety, environment, contractor guaranties, etc;落实对健康,安全,环境,承包商担保等等方面的持续改进计划。

56、In a word, leading a regular and healthy life and keeping positive and relaxed are effective ways to avoid the post-holiday syndrome.总之,正常健康地生活,并保持积极放松的状态都是避免患上节后综合症的有效方法。

57、Without social security for Float the Race, we unable promote Float the Race to work in actual field steadily and healthily;没有漂族的社会保障,就无法持续健康地推进漂族劳动力转化为现实的生产力;

58、-Effective asof the enactment of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, sections 1002 and 1003 of such Act are hereby repealed.“xx年健康保障与教育预算协调法案”——“xx年健康保障与教育预算协调法案”中实施生效的第1002款和第1003款特此废除。

59、Healthy weight-loss methods: female house will do ten actions to be healthy and beautiful woman oh house.健康瘦身方法:宅女必做十个行动做个健康美丽的宅女哦。

60、Yes, it’s a great way to stay healthy, meet new people and have fun.没错,运动是一种保持健康、结识新朋友和获得乐趣的绝好方法。

61、Keep a healthy and self-strengthening mood, dare the reality, it is a good resort to ease their inner worries.保持健康向上的心态,勇于面对现实才是克服压力的好办法。

62、Combining proper nutrition with exercise is the best way to maintain good health and stay in shape .保持身体健康和维持体型的最好办法就是将正确营养摄取于运动进行有机结合。

63、Cycling is a great way to keep fit , and combined with a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables, can help keep your heart healthy.骑车是一种非常好的保持体重的方法,如果再辅以均衡的含丰富水果及蔬菜的饮食,将帮助人们保持心脏健康。

64、But I get it too. It's hard for women to maintain a healthy self-image.但是我也懂,对女人来讲保持健康的形象很不容易。

65、If not, you can start looking for ways to make the meals healthier.如果不健康,你可以开始寻找制作更加健康膳食的方法。

66、Yes, nutrition and exercise are important elements of a healthy, disease-resistant body.当然,营养和身体锻炼都是保持健康抵抗疾病的重要因素。

67、Method:conduct a survey among 2743 freshmen based on the UPI.方法采用大学生人格健康问卷对2743名大学新生进行心理健康状况调查。

68、Other than flu shots, are there other ways to stay healthy and avoid all of these bugs?除去疫苗注射,还有别的方法能让人远离所有这些病毒并保持健康吗?

69、Teachers colleges should assume the responsibility to provide voice care courses aimed at introducing scientific knowledge of voicing and self-treatment for the prospective teachers heath.作为培养师资的师范院校更应开设嗓音保健课程,介绍科学发声方法、日常嗓音健康护理等,关注未来教师的嗓音健康。

70、The remainder of this article focuses on the methods I have picked up over the years to build a healthy cluster and make sure it stays that way.本文的其余部分主要介绍我这几年来总结的一些方法,用于帮助您构建健康的集群并维持集群的健康状态。

71、Methods 60 healthy children from the clinic of child health care were randomly collected. Their blood lead levels were determined by flameless AAS.方法选择在儿童保健门诊就诊,测查血铅的健康儿童60人,采用无火焰石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定血铅。

72、 3众所周知,均衡的饮食对保持我们的身体健康有好处 as we konw, it is good to keep our health to have balance food。

73、Apply purifying and relieving formula, assist to balance water and oil, and make skin healthy and clear.清莹舒缓配方,能帮助肌肤保持水油平衡,使肌肤更健康清透。

74、While nothing beats getting your annual flu shot, what are some other ways to stay healthy this winter?虽然每年打一次流感预防针是最好的办法,还有什么别的方法能使你在这个冬天保持健康吗?

75、Water is a good liquid to drink because it keeps you healthy.水是一种好的液态饮品,因为它能让你的身体保持健康。


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