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关于”端午节的诗句“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Verse of Dragon Boat Festival。以下是关于端午节的诗句的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Verse of Dragon Boat Festival


1、The elbow capsule is incised longitudinally and elevated off the anterior aspect of the distal humerus along with the brachioradialis .


2、The fabula narrated by the detective in his reconstruction of the facts brings us back to the beginning;


3、The measured seedling characteristics were: seedling height, projection area, leaf and stem node numbers, coordinates of stem nodes and leaf endpoints.

4、236. At noon I had lunch with a friend of mine. 中午,我和朋友去吃的午饭。


5、Hendrix further confuses matters with the line "that is my story" before ratcheting the creepiness up considerably.

换句话说,终端用户不会意识到文档究竟位于何处 —— DASD、外部磁盘或者是磁带。

6、In other words, end users will not realize where the document is sitting, either DASDs, external disk, or tape.


7、Objective To assess the results of treatment of intra articular distal radial fractures with dynamic external fixator assisted by wrist arthroscopy.


8、Still, we were undeterred, and after some pleasantries made our way to the far side of the island to seek out a fisherman to bribe.


9、Since she only teaches one class a week, Chen invites one or two students for lunch every day.


10、The only funny stuff we Listend these evening arrived since the advertiser at the beginning of the programme.

如上所述,这些节点可以用作客户端,因此类似于任何 JMS 客户端,它们使用 JNDI 来查找 JMS 连接工厂和目标。

11、As mentioned above, the nodes behave like clients, so like any JMS client, they use JNDI to look up the JMS connection factories and destinations.


12、This afternoon, we meet here happily to have the closing ceremony and the awards ceremony of our English Festival.


13、Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of absorbable screws in treatment of fractures of spongy bone near joints.


14、The low and middle-end product or produces the link should gradually to the mid-west area shift.


15、He introduced the working arrangements during the Dragon Boat Festival and made some suggestions to the citizens of Nantong about traveling safety during the festival.

不过我在此引用这个偈句,非是作为讣告的开端,仅是为了介绍本文的主题—— sankhara[行]这个词本身。

16、I do so simply to introduce the subject of this essay, which is the word sankhara itself.


17、Wednesday, Aug.


11:30 a.m. – Vehicle-based mesh point and mobile ad hoc network (MANET) solution.

11:30 –基于车辆的网格节点和移动自适应网络(MANET)解决方案。

小朋友及家长也可于磨坊咖啡室享用丰富的自助午餐, 一同欢度开心难忘的父亲节。

18、Participating families can also enjoy a sumptuous lunch buffet at Coffee Mill to celebrate an unforgettable Father's Day.


19、Weld two ends of an electric wire to a battery's positive and negative poles respectively, like a necklace.


20、Served between noon and 2pm or between 1pm and 3pm and dinner is normally after 8pm.

21、Every day at twelve noon sharp , everybody sat around the radio waiting for the upcoming program a story-telling program featuring just one man.中午的十二点正,大家都围着收音机,期待即将播出的说书节目。

22、Hop, hop, hop with the live bunnies that will help you to seek the treasures of Easter and start off with the gastronomic find of Vasco's Easter Sunday Brunch.活泼可爱的复活节小兔子将指引着您寻找宝物,奇妙旅程就从万斯阁澳门餐厅丰盛的复活节早午餐开始。

23、An adequate closure of the appendiceal stump is vital to minimize intra-abdominal and surgical site infections.一个适当的阑尾残端闭合是减少腹腔及手术部位感染的重要环节。

24、But I am on duty this noon and I supervise five classes of students for self-learning at the last class time this afternoon.但是我今天中午值日,最后一节课又监督五个班的同学上自习。

25、Sang through their teeth from noon to noon;透过他们的唇齿从正午唱到正午;

英文句子26:,26、Ok, today we're going to continue our discussion of cellular principles and lead into cell culture technology which will be the subject of the section meeting this afternoon, so just to remind you about the sections.今天我们继续讨论细胞学原理,之后再引申到细胞培养技术,这也是我们今天下午分组讨论会的主题,顺便提醒一句,下午有组会

27、14It was the day of Preparation of Passover Week, about the sixth hour. "Here is your king," Pilate said to the Jews.那日是预备逾越节的日子。约有午正,彼拉多对犹太人说:“看哪,这是你们的王!”

28、Gas production per unit length increases with the distance from branch node to heel end.分支节点距离主井眼跟端越远,分支井单位长度产能越大;

29、Compared with the former microstrip multisection coupled-line configuration, our newly proposed planar one with back-to-back microstrip line is small in size and, meanwhile, has a good performance.微带耦合与前行配置多节相比,我们的新建议与后端到后端平面微带线之一是体积小,同时,具有良好的性能。

30、Or maybe they’re saving themselves for a big cheesy pizza lunch and a pesto pasta dinner?没准儿他们是在为大大的干酪披萨午餐和香葱起司意面晚餐节省胃空间呢。

31、Dedicated receive buffers for receiving non-data frames are provided for each port of a two-port node in a fibre-channel arbitrated-loop serial communications channel design.专用接收缓冲区接收非数据帧的每一个端口提供两个在一个光纤端口节点通道仲裁环串行通信信道的设计。

32、It's characterized by a kind of high formal bearing It has a careful decorum, a kind of high sheen, especially this early poetry.它的特点是一种很正式的风格,它很端庄,散发着一种光辉,尤其是在他的早期诗歌里。

33、Importantly, each layer uses a single, interleaved parity byte to provide error monitoring across a particular segment, along the end-to-end SONET path.更重要的是,每一层都使用一个单一的,交错的校验字节提供一个特定的市场上的错误监测以及终端到终端的SONET路径。

34、MILANELLO – These are the words of Massimo Oddo during the 'Segni Particolari' program, which was live at 1pm on Milan Channel.以下是奥多针对提问作出的一一解答,节目于下午一点在米兰频道播出。

35、Reads request data from the client (when not preloaded) by using the specified buffer to read from, byte offset, and maximum bytes.使用指定的要从中读取数据的缓冲区、字节偏移量和最大字节数从客户端读取请求数据(当未预先加载时)。

36、For example, the value computed by the append text node is then passed to the print to log node as input because we connected the append text terminal to it.例如,由追加文本 节点计算的值被作为输入传递给输出到日志 节点,因为我们将追加文本 终端连接到了该节点。

37、"Lunch and learn" sessions are a great way to accomplish this - in other words, invite a colleague to lunch to learn about what he or she does, or get departments together in larger groups.午餐和了解" 会就是一个非常棒的方法----换句话说,邀请一名同事共进午餐以了解他或她在做些什么,或者把许多部门组合成一个大的团队。

38、Objective To evaluate the effects of treatment of acromioclavicular dislocation and distal clavicular fracture with hook plate.目的探讨锁骨钩钢板治疗肩锁关节脱位和锁骨外侧端骨折的疗效。

39、Make note of the ports that this deployment manager profile uses, because you will need the port number later when you add nodes to this deployment manager.请注意该部署管理器概要文件使用的端口,因为之后您将需要该端口数,添加其它节点至部署管理器。

40、These devices continually pass megabytes of data every second from the capture card to the display.这些设备每秒从采集卡到显示端传递兆字节数据流。

41、At noon, we had lunch, There were lofts of people.中午,咱们吃午餐,有阁楼的人。

42、In the actual real machine test links, according to the specific BREW terminals, proposed to transplant some of the key low-end cell phone problems and possible solutions.在实际的真机测试环节,根据具体的BREW终端的性能差别,提出了向低端手机移植的一些关键问题和可行的解决办法。

43、Both ends of the specimen were mounted, leaving the center 两组样本的末端被包埋,留下中间3节自由椎体,较低节段的自由椎体被认为的损害并由骨水泥充填。

3 vertebrae free. The lower level of free vertebrae was artificially injured and cement augmented.

44、There are different viewpoints about the wave source in the experiment of vibration of string.在弦振动“驻波”实验中,对于起振端是波节还是波腹,存在不同的认识。

45、Objective:To investigate the impact of tilt changes due to distal radius fractures on wrist joint.目的: 研究桡骨远端骨折后掌倾角及尺偏角改变对桡腕关节的影响。

46、Last year I was virtually ready to drop it and then, I kid you not,that very afternoon,I came across a quote.去年我真的都要放弃这个讨论了,不开玩笑,那天下午,我看到一句引言。

47、Each end node has a special signaling channel to the connected switch called the UNI.每个末端节点都有叫做UNI的到所连接的交换机的一个特殊的信令信道。

48、A kind of passive compliance control strategy was presented to realize the precise inspection of plane multi-joint robot with passive compliance end-effector.为了精确控制具有被动柔顺性末端执行器的平面多关节机器人,提出了一种被动关节与主动关节分离的外环位置/力串行控制策略。

49、And his interview on Tuesday morning's BBC Today programme was a reminder of just how spectacularly unsuited for such a role he really is.周二上午《今日BBC》节目对他的访谈提醒人们他的特使角色极不合适。

50、Sleepless until almost morning, Banneker reviewed in smallest detail his decision and the situation to (which it had led).夜无眠,直到几乎上午,班纳克审视他的决定的最小细节以及可能产生的情形。

经典英文句子51:端午节的诗句,51、Having sharp blades with the tips still intact is crucial for cutting very small details.在裁剪一些小细节时,“拥有一把锋利的、尖端未受损的小刀”依然十分重要。

52、Both ends of the joint can be arbitrary deflected for free adjustment of axial or lateral displacement.接头两端可任意偏转,便于自由调节轴向或横向位移。

53、The news was dropped at the end of the press event, and few details were given.消息被放在新闻事件列表尾端,几乎没给出细节信息。

54、Att nine o'clock on Saturday morning, I'll be sitting in the front rowandlistening tothe great professorWillard talking about the future of my brain.疒【句式翻译】 星期六上午九点钟,我将会坐在前排,聆听伟大的威拉德教授谈论大脑的未来发展。

55、I passed some time in Poet's Corner, which occupies an end of one of the transepts or cross aisles of the abbey.我在诗人角消磨了一些时候,这个墓区只占据了教堂十字形侧廊的一端。

56、Our energy peaks mid-morning, and it’s natural to want a siesta in the afternoon.我们在上午的时候精力最旺盛,而下午想睡个午觉也很正常。

57、The compact area of unripe condyle carries development to the head, form cartilage dish with fiber annulus former base.生骨节的致密区向头端发展,形成软骨盘和纤维环的原基。

58、The festival will celebrate the period, "two" altogether will leave 11big tectonic plates altogether 260 activities for the residential endOlympic Games and the sea culture western-style food.节庆期间,“两节”总共将为市民端出11大板块共260余项活动的奥运与海洋文化大餐。

59、The city library to read a book this afternoon.下午到市图书馆看了一下午的书。

60、At noon, we had lunch, There were lofts of people.中午,我们吃午饭,有阁楼的人。

61、A feature of this guide vane was existence of a long inlet duct with big meridional divergent angle in order to fulfill the requirements of the structure.该涡轮导向器的一个显著特点是由于结构上的要求,静叶前子午流道在上端壁具有较大的扩张角。

62、Objective To observe the effect of free hydroxide radical (-OH) on the apoptosis of rabbit retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and to study the relationship between telomere length changes and apoptosis.目的观察羟自由基(-OH)对兔神经节细胞(RGC)的致凋亡作用,检测RGC端粒长度及凋亡与端粒长度差异的可能联系。

63、Coracoidclavicle screw is a good method to treat fractures of the distal clavicle and dislocations of the acromioclavicular joint.喙锁螺钉是治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位的可*方法。

64、The basic concept is to use passive optical components to connect remote nodes to form a ring topology, and use the ring as protection path. We design three kinds of protection structures for DWA PON.设计的基本想法是将远端节点加上一个被动的分光元件用来将远端节点串联来形成一个环形网路,以这个环形网路来做为保护线路,提供网路意外断讯时的另一条路径。

65、The sensible thing to do is to send the WHERE clause to the database, but this means that we would have to translate the predicate p. Age < 合理的做法是把WHERE子句发送到数据库端,不过这意味着我们需要把断言p.Age <18转化成SQL,然后发送到数据库端。

18 into SQL and send that to the database instead.

66、Objective To examine the potential roles of estrogen in rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) on visceral nociception.目的 探讨雌激素在延髓头端腹内侧部(RVM)对内脏痛的潜在调节作用。

67、疒【句式翻译】 星期六上午九点钟,我将会坐在前排,聆听伟大的威拉德教授谈论大脑的未来发展。Att nine o'clock on Saturday morning, I'll be sitting in the front rowandlistening tothe great professorWillard talking about the future of my brain.

68、Test results of three steel beam-reinforced concrete column subassemblies under reversed cyclic loading are introduced.介绍了三个钢梁-钢筋混凝土柱连接节点在梁端往复加载的试验。

69、She was quiet for the next few minutes. Then she looked up and in a small voice gave me something to think about.接下来好多少分钟她都很宁静。然后她抬开端,小小声地说了句令我沉思不已的话。

70、The performance of DTN, such as end-to-end delivery ratio. delay in submission, network overhead and network lifetime, is closely related to the behavior of mobile nodes.容滞网络的性能,比如端到端的递交率、递交延迟、开销以及网络的存活时间、都与网络中移动节点的行为密切相关。

71、he says he took a lot of people out to lunch to learn about the nuts and bolts of the business world.他说自己是在与许多人共进午餐时学到了商业世界的具体细节。


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