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关于”改的软件“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Changed software。以下是关于改的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Changed software

Munro,T. Kratschmer,“通过ODC改进软件测试:三个案例研究”。

1、M. Butcher, H. Munro, T. Kratschmer, "Improving software testing via ODC: Three case studies."


2、Where documents or data are retained on software, are appropriate controls maintained for changes, and are suitable back-ups securely maintained?


3、The practice proves that SPIF is a applied software process improvement frame for medium and small software organization, and it achieves good effects by experiment.

利用 IBM 产品评估试用版软件 改革您的下一个开源开发项目。

4、Innovate your next open source development project with IBM trial software.


5、OK, a lot of keys, but it's still easier to change software than a suspension bridge.


6、It is assumed that PD is the same for software series, so multi-version calibration method is proposed, which uses PD of previous version to calibrate the .

Boris Karlsson 和他的职员负责软件工程小组的过程改进。

7、Boris Karlsson and his staff were responsible for process improvement in the software engineering group.


8、Correcting these problems will require extensive changes to the software and careful retesting.

要使用软件生成的 IRQ,需要对代码进行如下修改

9、The following code changes are necessary to use software-generated IRQs


10、Others use the boards as testbeds for improved display hardware, new "chalk" and interactive software.

Blinco 能够使用组件来修改它的软件,以适应其客户的商业需求。

11、Using components, Blinco is able to modify its software to suit the business needs of their clients.


12、Improving the integration of architecture and it's intimate connection with software development


13、Software maintenance typically involves bug fixing and enhancing the applications.


14、Our website only pack up the original software without any altering, but we cannot guarantee the integrality and safety of the software or program.


15、The act of inheritance may not change the term of protection of the rights of the software.


16、You can leverage the tight feedback loop of the community to affect software development processes.


17、We are a download site. We do not make any of the software! What we do is review and rate the software, categorize …

Σ 小项目的RUP:这个过程指导小规模和配置的团队,告诉他们怎样开发新的软件或者对已存在的软件做出大的改进。

18、RUP for small projects: This process guides small and collocated teams in how to develop new software or make major improvements to existing software.


19、Courage: Have the courage it takes to develop good software, which may mean throwing away code and changing direction, even late in development.


20、However, you must also provide the software in source form even if you made improvements.

21、We are a download site. We do not make any of the software! What we do is review and rate the software, categorize it and make it available to you.保证站内提供的戴帽子的猫下载资源(软件等等)都是按软件作者提供的“原样”发布,本站未做过任何改动。

22、The developers decided to continue the development of this software under the name Joomla!开发人员决定继续开发这个软件并把它改名为 Joomla!

23、The Cygwin setup.exe file installs the software anew and is re-used any time you want to add, change, or upgrade components of your Cygwin configuration.Cygwin setup.exe 文件可以重新安装软件,可以添加、修改或升级 Cygwin 配置的组件。

24、Ogiwara says her smile has improved dramatically since the first time she used the machine.Ogiwara说,在第一使用了测试软件后,她的笑容已经有了非常明显的改变。

25、The representation can be used by software organizations to reduce the costs and risks in applying CMM-SW and improve its software process continuously.连续表述降低了软件组织应用CMM -SW的成本和风险,并使组织可以进行连续的软件过程改进。

英文句子26:,26、Its software actually improves as each new user downloads it.其软件,每当有新用户下载,就确实得到改进。

27、ADP is a practical approach to software management through process improvement.ADP对于软件项目管理来说,是通过流程改进一条可行之路。

28、Extendibility is the ease of adapting software products to changes of specification.扩充性是指易于修改软件以适应规格变化。

29、Refocus design and development resources to improve software使设计和开发资源重新关注于改进软件

30、The team set loose the malicious software on a quarantined computer, recording all the files and strings of instructions (processes) created and modified by the malware.团队把恶意软件置于一台隔离的计算机中,记录被恶意软件创建和篡改的所有文件和命令字符串(处理)。

31、The web has dramatically changed the software industry over the past 在过去的xx年中,网络极大的改变了软件业。

15 years.

32、While solid keyboarding skills never change , the applications and software do .虽然坚实的键盘输入技能永远不会改变,应用和软件做。

33、For example, one proposed method for classifying types of stealthy malware is categorizing rootkits as Types I-III, identifying the level of the software stack they invade and modify to hide.一种值得推荐的为各类隐秘型的黑客软件分级的方法就是根据它们修改系统的内容来分成类型1-3,并以此来识别它们所入侵或修改并隐藏的软件存储栈的级别。

34、The free software movement aims for a social change: to make all software free so that all software users are free and can be part of a community of cooperation.自由软件运动目的在于改变我们的社会:让一切软件皆走向自由,只有这样,所有的软件用户才能实现自由,并参与到合作的社区中来。

35、BitKeeper is still impressive, but licensing changes eventually caused Torvalds to look for alternatives; in the finest free software tradition, he eventually decided to write his own.BitKeeper 依然让人印象深刻,但是许可更改最后导致 Torvalds 开始寻找替代产品;在免费软件潮流下,他最后决定编写自己的软件。

36、Software maintenance is framed by fundamental Agile concepts: working from a backlog of prioritized tickets or engineering change orders, and delivering incremental releases of working software.软件维护被基本的敏捷概念所包裹:从优先考虑的候选库中开始工作,或者改变次序,并且交付工作软件的增量发布。

37、The former developer of the software has changed some binary code for some functions in this DLL file.该软件的开发商已经改变了前此DLL文件中的某些部分功能的二进制代码。

38、The common tyre-mould EDM is reconstructed by applying NC technology and the hardware circuit and the software structure are researched.对普通轮胎模电火花机床进行数控改造,研究了其硬件电路、软件构成。

39、Keats says being able to see the software's source code, or computer language code, and being able to rewrite or make changes gives users a sense of ownership.济慈说软件源代码或电脑机器码可见性,以及软件可以任意重编或修改,这些都能使用户产生自主感。

40、In 1970, his father rented a computer and he precociously rewrote its software.xx年,他父亲租了一台电脑,他以超前的智力改写了电脑的软件。

41、And he is the visionary of the personal computers world that led the entire computer hardware and software industry to restructure itself.这个个人电脑领域的梦想家引领并改变了整个计算机硬件和软件产业。

42、'It was huge change for us developers, ' said Ryu Jung-won, a software engineer in Seoul who created smartphone maps of South Korea.首尔的一位软件工程师Ryu Jung-won说,对我们软件开发人员来说,这是一个巨大的改变。

43、Also, version-control software like Subversion (SVN) can be used to control changes to configuration files.而且,像 Subversion (SVN) 这样的版本控制软件可用来控制对配置文件的更改。

44、The situation was aggravated when the team, when developing core functions, used third-party software that does not allow them to make changes in the source code.如果开发团队在开发核心功能时使用了第三方软件,而这些软件不允许他们修改源代码,那么情况就更加麻烦了。

45、Actual experience from using XM is very helpful in deciding how to change the software.从使用 XM 而得到的实际经验对于确定如何更改软件十分有用。

46、Jazz is also process-aware and can be tailored to support different processes.Jazz还是可定制的软件,能够被修改而支持不同的过程。

47、We are a download site. We do not make any of the software! What we do is review and rate the software …下载资源(软件等等)都是按软件作者提供的“原样”发布,本站未做过任何改动。

48、In this context, Gottwald spares no effort to ensure its own software can be easily integrated in superordinate TOS software.高华不遗余力地改善其软件系统,使其更易于整合入高级的码头管理系统(TOS)软件。

49、Software giant Microsoft has issued an apology after it emerged that the company's Polish arm had altered a promotional image to change the race of one of the people pictured.软件开发巨头微软公司发表道歉声明,因为在该公司的波兰分部上修改了一幅宣传图片令画中角色的种族被改换。

50、Fake Voice is a voice changer software which changes your voice to male, female, old, young, hard, shrill, or some one new.假声是声音改变软件改变了你的声音,男,女,老,少,硬,尖锐的,或一些一新。

经典英文句子51:改的软件,51、Changes to physical resources and reassignments can also be transparent to software.对软件而言,对物理资源所做的更改和重新分配也可能是透明的。

52、How much will my malware detection improve with Artemis ?有多少我的恶意软件检测改善与阿耳特弥斯?

53、IBM's software division had fallen from grace and was renamed the "Network Computing" division.IBM的软件部门已然失宠,并改名为“网络计算”部门。

54、The recent test validated the new guidance upgrade, the integration of software and hardware and their interaction with an improved fuze.这次测试验证了导航系统的最新升级、软件和硬件的集成以及它们同改良引信的相互作用。

55、Software developers can reuse and understand existing software, helping you deliver robust applications that meet safety standards and target automotive applications using improved AUTOSAR features.软件开发员可以再使用和理解已存在的软件,帮助您交付强壮的满足安全标准以及使用改进 AUTOSAR 特性的目标汽车的程序。

56、Retrogrades are never a good time to update or install software, or change your voice mail message.水星逆行的时候不适宜升级或安装软件,或改变语音信箱。

57、It's most likely you'll need to change the default settings that come with the out-of-the-box package.您将有可能需要更改现成的软件包的缺省设置。

58、Professional colour management software available, directly amend the colours in the computer, no need extra changes.直接电脑改色,并配有专业色彩管理软件,可随时随地改色,无需支付额外费用。

59、There's not that much you can do to modify this box without replacing some of the software.如果不使用某些软件,您就无法对这个机顶盒做过多的修改。

60、XSTELL can use 2D and related software components map to amend parts of the 3D model to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the model is not fully processed and modified to read building plans.能使用XSTELL等相关软件进行2D零件 构件图的修改,对3D模型进行全面的检查,对不完全的模型进行加工和修改,能解读建筑图。

61、This is a evc show time software, with wince platform can run, modify.这是一个evc制作的显示时间的软件,在wince平台可以运行,修改。

62、Experienced in software delivery process improvement, a SEPG experience is advantage.有软件过程改进或者SEPG 经验者优先。

63、This includes software upgrades for security purposes, as well as content that changes.这包括为了安全目的所做的软件升级以及修改过的内容。

64、I think these AR apps and I are going to need to meet half-way; I need to learn how to use them effectively and they need to improve. More on that later.我想我和这些现实增强软件之间还需要磨合:我学习如何有效使用,这些软件需要不断改进。

65、Invest continually and cost-effectively in software design improvements.在软件设计改进中持续且有成本效益地投资。

66、Appliance vendors in particular have the most to lose if the large body of software currently licensed under GPLv2 today migrates to the new license.目前已经使用了许多 GPLv2 授权软件的专用设备制造商,会在这些软件改换为使用 GPLv3 时蒙受更多的损失。

67、The software reuse is regard as one of the effective ways to solve software crisis. Recently efforts show architecture-based, domain-specific reuse can yield great improvement.软件重用被认为是解决软件危机的有效途径之一,相关研究表明,基于体系结构的、特定领域的重用可以获得很大的改进。

68、Modify and improve products software to fulfill specifications and fit unique customer needs and configurations.根据规格书的要求和客户的特定需求,不断改进和完善产品软件。

69、To make final small changes to improve hardware or software performance; to fine-tune a nearly complete product.为改进软件或硬件性能,对产品进行最后定型之前的修饰和润色。

70、We are a download site. We do not make any of the software! What we do is review and rate the …下载资源(软件等等)都是按软件作者提供的“原样”发布,本站未做过任何改动。

71、Edit the /etc/security/limits file and change for soft and hard core size, respectively编辑 /etc/security/limits 文件,修改软和硬核心大小的

72、At the same time, we will look forward to your reply, refitting our software constantly, hoping that it would be the most useful slimming software.我们同样期待您的反馈,并将坚持不断地改善我们的软件,希望减肥私人助理能够成为市场上最有用的减肥软件!

73、The Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) is optional, and designed to improve software quality.客户体验改善计划(CEIP)是可选的,旨在提高软件的质量。

74、Quality and software maintenance efforts are also improved as a result of the all of the above.质量和软件维护工作也由于上述原因得到改进。

75、A few minor improvements in the installer that also apply to F-PROT's automatic software upgrades.在安装一些小改进,也适用于架F -普罗特的自动软件升级。

英文句子模板76:Changed software,76、This results in no working software until very late in the cycle.这会导致没有可用的工作软件,直到周期的晚期才会改变。

77、"CBD helps us modify the software very quickly to a client's specific requirements, without requiring that they go through significant hardship to adapt to the software," he said.“CBD 帮助我们非常迅速地修改软件,以满足客户的特定需求,而不必历尽艰辛地适合该软件,”他说道。

78、His "Serious Bio" asserts, "Non-free software keeps users divided and helpless, forbidden to share it and unable to change it.他在“严肃的简介”中说道,“非免费的软件使软件用户感到分隔和无助,他们无法进行资源共享,也就无法进行改进。

79、To the best of our knowledge, the original author of the software do not say anything about not allowing non-commercial usage of this software.据我们所知,游戏的原作者并没有意图公开本软件的代码,但也没有在代码中明确表述禁止对本软件的修改和非商业应用。



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