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关于”比较级“的英语句子22个,句子主体:comparative level。以下是关于比较级的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:comparative level

CherryPy Web 站点 有一个 基本教程、许多比较高级的 秘诀。

1、The CherryPy Web site has a basic tutorial, a number of more advanced recipes, and a list of third-party add-ons.


2、We have studied the level crossing effect in degenerate four-wave mixing and compared it with the level crossing effect in resonance fluorescence.


3、The logical operators have lower precedence than the individual comparison operators, which makes sense because the comparison has to be evaluated before the logical operator can be evaluated.


4、Carbon nanotubes are produced in two kinds of inert atmosphere at the pressure range of

11 to 92 kPa by arc discharge.


5、The decolorization ratio of syrup in sulfitation process is higher through experiments with multiple-stage flotation of syrup than that with single-stage flotation.

6、Alice is five years older than you. Alice比你大xx岁。


7、Herbalists of one-hour economic circle had higher educational level and higher professional position than other two areas.


8、McCormack said the ministerial talks would be loosely structured and unlikely to produce any specific outcome.


9、That almost every one of the inhabitants was affected to a greater or less degree .


10、I upgraded to the 8900 from the 8310 which I absolutely loved despite the fact that it had a poor camera.


11、Objective To compare the virtues and disadvantages between the measure results using individual dosimeter and sound level meter respectively.


12、Among students in senior middle school, the state of Learning Anxiety and Self-accusation Tendency, Sensitivity Tendency and Horror Tendency of Grade One are also more serious.


13、Most of them have a public bar, where drinks are slightly cheaper, and a saloon bar, which middle-class people usually prefer because it is more comfortable and less crowded.


14、Now scientific men are still comparatively rare in Japan. The science-classes in the colleges are small.


15、The third cabin is for those at departmental level, which "is also spacious and like a first-class cabin".


16、②Tom cared more for money than for anything else


17、Upgrades to older existing fabricated buckets can be carried out far easier than on traditional cast buckets.


18、Among students of junior middle schools, the state of Self-accusation Tendency of Grade Two is more serious.


19、And the technical post levels were little higher than Liaocheng city, such as senior title of technical post's proportion.

20、My father is three years older than my uncle. 我爸爸比我叔叔大xx岁。

21、In pro footbeair conditioning unithfront one of the computer power ratings arenwoult that importish.在够级别的职业联赛里,计算得出的实力比较并非想像中的那么要紧。

22、A more thorough answer, however, looks at how ultracapacitors compare to capacitors and batteries.更全面的解释着眼于将超级电容与普通电容器和电池进行比较。

23、And maintain a rainy-day fund in safer places, such as TIPS, certificates of deposit or highly rated municipal or corporate bonds.把以防万一的资金放在比较安全的投资上,比如通货膨胀保值债券、定期存单,或评级较高的市政债券或公司债券。

24、Results show that the grain size of polycrystalline silicon thin films increased to several centimeters long and orders of millimeters width after ZMR.研究结果表明:ZMR对籽晶层的区融、结晶效果比较理想,晶粒尺寸增大到厘米级长、毫米级宽;

25、One of the mysteries about New Guinea’s megadiversity is that it is thought to be relatively new.关于新几内亚的超级生物多样性谜团之一是它相对比较新。

英文句子26:,26、Meanwhile, it was compared with normal two-level mode to show different results of med…同时与常用的二级模式比较,了解二者对医院医疗质量控制的效果。

27、Only the constituent comonomer units of the polymers in the series under consideration are to be compared.只有在同级予目中的聚合物共聚单体单元才可以进行比较。

28、Only the constituent comonomer units of the polymers in the series of subheadings under consideration are to be compared.只有在同级子目中的聚合物共聚单体单元才可以进行比较。

29、Topic: Comparison study on the internal management structure models of economic entities at provincial academies of agricultural sciences.论文题目:省级农科院经济实体内部治理结构模式的比较研究;

30、In Part “ 轻量级开发的成功秘诀,第

4 of the series, three popular containers are compared: Spring, HiveMind, and PicoContainer.

4 部分” 比较了三个流行的框架:Spring、HiveMind 和 PicoContainer。

31、So, to enable the examiner to understand your idea of tasty, compare it to something.考官特意提醒诸位“烤鸭”:多使用比较级会让考官更清楚你想表达的内容。

32、Changing the output speed of step less variator will make the differential gear train realize an output with a comparatively large step-less speed change ratio.改变无级变速器的输出转速,即可使差动轮系输出较大的无级变速比。

33、A transmission unit (10A) that provides a high gear ratio despite a reduced number of transmission steps and allows itself to be lightweight.提供一种变速装置(10A),能够以较少的级数获得较大的齿数比, 并且能够实现轻型化。

34、He is ten years older than Tom. 他比Tom大xx岁。

35、Through calculations the classification efficiency and resistance coefficient of the separator were ob…计算得到了分离器的分级效率和阻力系数,并和实验结果进行了比较。

36、Results show that the grain size of polycrystalline silicon thin films increased to several centimeters long and millimeters width after ZMR.研究结果表明:ZMR对籽晶层的区融、结晶效果比较理想,晶粒尺寸增大到厘米级长、毫米级宽;

37、This article illustates and discusses one way of the discrimination which is easy to use and solves the problem in the respect of some alterate symbolic progression.本文提出一个较简便的判别法,在解决变号级数收敛性方面比较简单.便于应用。

38、My nose is the biggest one among my family. 我的鼻子是家里最大的。

39、Meanwhile, it was compared with normal two-level mode to show different results of medical quality control.同时与常用的二级模式比较,了解二者对医院医疗质量控制的效果。

40、There are varied and relatively rational report forms to meet the administrative needs of hospitals and higher authorities.会计报表设置比较全面、合理,满足医院和上级部门的管理需要。

41、SOA and REST are problematic to compare as they are different levels of abstraction, so if ROA is nothing more than REST, it also is problematic in comparing.将SOA与REST比较是有问题的,因为他们处在不同的抽象级别,所以即便ROA即是REST,对二者的比较仍然是有问题的。

42、Training Level-Next to lowest level-includes walk trot and canter, introduces the horse doing better transitions than in novice level anf also introduces the canter.仅高于最低级别的等级,包括慢步,快步以及跑步,相比较于初学者级别,指导马匹进行更好的变换。跑步。

43、You might want to go through the readme file for some advanced tinkering.你可能需要阅读以下自述文件查看一些比较高级的补充功能。

44、In Windows, the priority range is from 在 Windows 中,实时线程的优先级范围是从 16(较低的优先级)到 31(较高的优先级)。

16 (lower priority) to 31 (higher priority) for the real-time threads.

45、In light of introducing new breed of animals and plants, fuzzy matrix R of ratio of similitude is affirmed by the binary means of comparative degree.结合动、植物引种的研究问题,采用二元比较级方法确定了模糊相似比矩阵(?)

46、This essay is written to show the variety of mathematics and stimulate the students interests in the mathematics with the help of several mathematical paradoxes.调和级数是级数理论中一种比较重要的发散级数,现行《数学分析》教材中,有关它的发散性证明学生在学习中不易掌握。

47、Comparing with CET-4 or CET-6 , it is a more difficult curriculum to learn.但会计英语相对于英语


48、I am one year older than my sister. 我比我妹妹大xx岁。

49、Around 10k block size, block-level compression starts to look moderately good; and at 100k block size it becomes very close to the file-level compression techniques.块大小约为 10k 时,块级别压缩开始显得比较不错;块大小为 100k 时,块级别压缩就非常接近文件级别压缩技术了。

50、This article covers the basic features of SELECT and defers the more advanced issues to subsequent articles.本文将介绍 SELECT 的基本功能,而将比较高级的问题留给后续文章。

经典英文句子51:比较级,51、Through calculations the classification efficiency and resistance coefficient of the separator were obtained…计算得到了分离器的分级效率和阻力系数,并和实验结果进行了比较。

52、Methods Using the method of UPI, SCL-90 and STAI, the Military Medical University undergraduates in 02,03,04 grades were tested and the results were compared.方法通过U PI,SC L-90和STAI的测查,比较某军医大学02级、03级、04级学员的心理健康状况;对04级学员进行心理健康教育措施干预后的追踪调查。

53、Compare gradation of deferent position, then take construction guideposts of structure level.通过对级配进行比较分析,提出结构层关键筛孔施工控制指标。

54、Despite offering a huge leap over regular capacitors, ultracaps still lag behind batteries when it comes to energy storage capacity.和普通电容比较,超级电容向前迈了一大步,但超级电容在储能能力发面仍落后于电池。

55、And a mentor should be more senior than you, but not by too much. Someone who is about two promotions higher is ideal.导师的职位最好高于你,但不要相差太多,比你高出两级的领导是比较理想的选择。

56、He prayed to God night and day to endue him with the spirit of holiness.他日夜祈求上帝赋予他虔敬的心。与比较级的词连用,置于。

57、Gradings insurance, distinguish the merits of the development project, the more impartial guide consumption.这种分级保险,分清了开发项目的优劣,比较公正地引导消费。



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