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1、The 160-page English-slanglish lexicon includes terms, definitions, parts of speech, sample sentences and notes on the etymology and origin of new slang, Munro said。 孟罗说,这本160页的英语俚语词典包括词条、定义、选段、例句、有关词源的注释和新俚语的来源。

2、The river which had been polluted polluted another one. 前一个polluted为过去分词,属定语从句中的谓语,后一个为过去式,属主句的谓语.句意为:曾被污染的那条河污染了另一条河。

3、Chinese locative words knowledge base includes locative words usage dictionary, locative words usage rule base, and locative words usage corpus. 现代汉语方位词用法知识库包括现代汉语方位词用法词典、现代汉语方位词用法规则库和现代汉语方位词用法语料库。

4、We encounter each other in words, words spiny or smooth, whispered or declaimed; words to consider, reconsider. 我们彼此在词语中相遇,多刺或光滑的词语,喃喃低语或慷慨陈词;推敲,再推敲的词语。

5、The English language contains many phrasal verbs and verbal phrases. 英语里有许多短语动词和动词短语。

6、The ways and means of creating terms include generalizing, summarizing, abbreviating, omitting, the cutting and shortening, imitating, metonymy and so on. 词语创新的途径和方式主要有术语泛化、短语简称、标数统括、词语缩略、截语藏词、仿造新词、借代表达等。

7、Predicates in Japanese passive sentences are either intransitive verbs or transitive verbs but only transitive verbs in Chinese. 日语被动句的谓语动词既可以是他动词也可以是自动词,而汉语被动句的谓语动词只能是他动词。

8、In English for foreign economy and trade, the modifiers of nouns can be single words, phrases or clauses. 在外经贸英语中,名词作为中心词,它的修饰语有单个词修饰语、短语修饰语和从句修饰语。

9、Adverbials are usually adverbs, adverb phrases, or prepositional phrases. 状语通常由副词,副词短语或介词短语构成。

10、Lingoes is a dictionary and multi-language translation software providing results in over 60 languages. 灵格斯是一款多语翻译软件,支持多达60种语言的翻译,并可附加更多的权威词典。

11、One of the most important characteristics of legal English is exact in its usage. 在法律条文和司法实践中,法律英语运用模糊词语的现象俯拾皆是。

12、(in the audio version) I’ll read you the citation for moll (在本文的mp3里)我会为您读出这条单词moll的引语

13、Additional Clause : If any of the above - mentioned Clauses is inconsistent with the following Additional Clause (s), the latter to be taken as authentic. 附加条款:以上任何条款如与以下附加条款有抵触时,以以下附加条款为准。

14、The words and phrases given in this dictionary are those that are likely to be needed by every person. 本词典词条所列,都是每个人极有可能用得上的单词和短语。

15、A lot of errors are found in Han Ye Da Ci Dian through a comparison of the great dictionary and over 5000 bisyllables in Zheng Xuan s annotations of ancient books. 通过郑玄笺注中的5000多个双音词语与《汉语大词典》的相应词条的逐一对照,发现《汉语大词典》存在着不少疏漏。

16、Parties are advised to check the Incoterm they have selected under I-3 of these Specific Conditions. 建议当事人对照其在特别条款第I-3款中选定的贸易术语。

17、This practice can apply to all words, general or business-related. 这种练习可以应用于任何词语(普通词语或者和商业有关的词语)。

18、Thirdly, the work and acceptation using in paraphrase should be embodied in dictionary. 第三,释义所用词语词义应尽可能是词典所收词语词义。

19、Not for nothing does the word credit have its roots in the Latin word credere, to believe. 贷款(credit)一词在拉丁语中的词根是credere,也就是“信任”的意思,但债权人绝不会无条件地信任债务人。

20、The lexicalization of phrases is an important source of words in the Chinese language. 词组词汇化是汉语词汇衍生的一条重要途径。

21、The thesis holds the view that conditional conjunction words can express conditional relation logically and are grammar part which are of linking function. 我们认为,条件关系关联词语是在逻辑上可以表达条件关系,并且具有连接功能的语法成分。

22、Lexical phrases; Lexical Approach; Non-English Majors; English Writing. 词汇短语;词块教学法;非英语专业;英语写作。

23、The imitative words in English belong to noun and verb that used as subject, object and predicate. 英语拟声词基本属于名词或动词,充当主语、宾语或谓语;

24、In these General Terms Scope of Applicationand Conditions, unless the context provides otherwise, the following terms shall bear the meanings assigned thereto. 在本通用条款中,除非上下文内容另行规定,下列词语具有下述含义。

25、Results Medical English, as a special-purpose English, has some features different from that of ordinary English in terms of etymology, amphibious words, non-finite verb, etc. 结果作为一种特殊用途英语,医学英语在词汇来源、两栖词汇、复合词汇、非谓语动词、书面语词汇等的使用方面具有不同于普通英语的词法特征。


26、Uighur language is a type of agglutinative language, in which words are formed by attaching suffixes to a stem. 维语是一种粘性语言,在这一类语言中词是由词根加词缀构成,理论上维语的词汇量是无限的。

27、Implied terms are included, for various reasons to be discussed in this chapter, even though they have not been expressly stated in words. 默示条款则指因本单元将要讨论的因各种原因而不能清楚地用语言表达出来的条款。

28、A gloss is a short explanation used as an instrument for supplementing useful information within the entries in dictionaries. 括注是在词典词条中简短的解释性话语,用于补充有助于理解词目词的有用信息。

29、The conditions are: 1 )the object is usually a gerund used as a verb; 其条件有三:( 1 )宾语是一个通常用作动词的动名词;

30、There are Japanese words , Chinese words, mixed words, derivative and coined words etc in Japanese vocabulary. 日语词中有和语词、汉语词、外来语、混和词、派生词、造词等。

31、Phrase searches are simply searches allowing multi-word terms. 短语搜索只是允许多词条件的搜索。

32、Another source of difficulty it the language in § 551(4) indicating that rules must be of "future effect. "" 另一个困难的原因在于第五百五十一条第四款的措词,该条款语言表明,规则须是“将生效”的。

33、The dictionary includes 1,030 entries of function words and set patterns, listing the top of its kind. 本书收虚词和固定格式等1030条,是目前收词最多的现代汉语虚词词典。

34、The results of the retention test in English single glosses condition are the highest. 英语单项注释条件下习得的词汇延时成绩最高。

35、(形容词作宾语补足语) ⑶主语+系动词+表语 You are a great man。

36、The word list income of vocabulary 1063, including:1) The Chinese general words module (887 words); 词表共收入词语1063条,包括:1)汉语通用词语模块(887词);

37、Conjunctions are an important grammatical means used to combine words, phrases, and sentences. 连词是连接词与词、短语与短语、分句与分句的重要语法手段。

38、Chinese vocabulary is made up of mainly two-word expressions and the shortened form of words and expressions are mostly two-word expressions. 汉语词汇以双音词为主,词语的简缩也主要是将多音词或短语简缩为双音词。

39、The mistakes of the related words include the omitting related words , related words collocated improperly and the misused related words . 关联词语偏误包括省略关联词语、关联词语搭配不当、错用关联词语;

40、The vocabularies in this dictionary are those frequently miss-used by foreign students. 本辞典的词条都是学习汉语的外国人经常出错的词语;

41、Under certain conditions, non-nominal words can also act as agents. 非名词性词语在一定条件下也能充当施事。

42、The Oxford English Dictionary cites 1963 as the first occurrence of expo, and in this case it was spelled with a capital E. xx年《牛津英语词典》首次收录expo这一词条,在缩写情况下,该词的首字母E为大写。

43、Those unique vocabulary are the words which reflect some domains of Malaysia society, most of these words are the loan words from Malay, English and dialects. 马来西亚华语特有词语是反映当地社会各个领域的特色的词语,从来源看,这一类词语包含大量闽粤方言词语,马来语、英语借词,以及汉语古旧词语。

44、In 1990, section 110(2) was rephrased in a way that undercuts the court's reading of that section. xx年,第110条(2)中的词句得到修改,避免了法院对该条款的那种解释。

45、For words, there are translation methods of ordinary words, special words, quantifier, onomatopoeia and popular words, etc. 词语的翻译方法包括普通词语、同形汉字词、特殊词语、数量词、拟声拟态词、流行语等的翻译方法;

46、The preposition and its object constitution prepositional phrase, make the adverb in the sentence, the predicate, the complement or the preposition object. 介词和它的宾语构成介词词组,在句中作状语,表语,补语或介词宾语。

47、During the drafting process of this Clause, the dictions of the Clause became more and more ambiguous, and the words concerning about the political rights were omitted from this Clause. “平等法律保护条款”在起草的过程中,为了调和共和党内两派的不同意见,条款的措词由明确向模糊转变。

48、Name words as a kind of Proper noun have its own characteristics compared with common nouns in meaning. 人名词语属于专名词语,人名词语的意义与普通名词相比,有着自身的特点。

49、There are 2000 entries based on the editors'experience on teaching and lexicography in LDCE, Wwhich stands for the work on defining metalanguage in English. 《朗曼当代英语词典》的2000条释词体现了英语的释义元语言工作,它形成有限释词靠的是作者丰富的教学经验与词典编纂经验。

50、Noun phrase, verb, noun phrase. 名词词语,动词,名词词语。


51、Chinese words by the syllable to the two-syllable development is a basic rule in Chinese history. 汉语中的词汇由单音节向双音节发展是汉语史的一条基本规律。

52、The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) announced the addition of several acronyms to its dictionary, adding some interesting trivia behind the origins of these Internet-associated expressions. 牛津英语大词典(OED)宣布收入若干条网络缩略语,同时为这些来源于网络的词汇加上了有趣的解释。

53、Chinese idioms Daquan, including a phonetic phrase, origin, interpretation, usage, synonyms, antonyms, rhyming words, in English, idioms, examples and so on. 汉语成语故事大全,包括一条成语的注音、出处、解释、用法、近义词、反义词、同韵词、英语、成语故事、示例等。

54、English has a larger vocabulary than Chinese. 英语词汇比汉语词汇多得多。

55、Letter-words is a kind of loan words absorbed by contemporary Chinese. 字母词语的出现是现代汉语吸收外来词的一条途径。

56、The 160-page English-slanglish lexicon includes terms, definitions, parts of speech, sample sentences and notes on the etymology and origin of new slang, Munro said. 孟罗说,这本160页的英语俚语辞书搜罗词条、界说、选段、例句、有关词源的注释和新俚语的来历。

57、About mood words:this article describes the tense mood word, the modal mood words, question mood words, break mood words and the combination of mood words. 语气词:射阳方言中存在大量的语气词,本文主要描写了射阳方言的事态语气词,情态语气词,询问语气词,暂顿语气词以及语气词的结合现象。

58、Elementary Level ( 120 lessons ), these lessons cover 800 new words, phrases and 80 grammar points. 初级共120个课时,共分三册,收生词和词组800多个,语法点80多条。

59、This provision does not apply when expressions referred to in sub-Article(a) above are used in the Credit. 如信和证已利用本条(a)款提到的词语,则本规定不适用。

60、An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that identifies, or provides further information about, another noun phrase. 同谓语是一个名词或名词短语,用来解释说明名词或名词短语。

61、The 160-page English-slanglish lexiconincludes terms, definitions, parts of speech, sample sentences and notes on the etymologyand origin of new slang, Munro said. 孟罗说,这本160页的英语俚语词典包括词条、定义、选段、例句、有关词源的注释和新俚语的来源。

62、People discover that the adverbs in Xun Zi are often used as adverbials before predictions of verb, adjective, noun and pron. 我们发现,《荀子》副词主要用于动词性谓语、形容词性谓语、名词性谓语、代词性谓语前作状语。

63、As shown in the study, nouns account for the largest percentage of EU Treaty English, while prepositions and determiners come to the second and the third. 研究表明,名词在欧盟条约英语中比重最大,其次是介词和限定词。

64、This thesis expounds the usage of reiterative locution in English-Chinese translating. 汉语叠字可用来翻译英语中的部分形容词、副词、数量词、动词及象声词。

65、The New Oxford American Dictionary is the only conventional dictionary I came across that has captcha as an entry, yourdictionary.com the only online one. 我所遇到的传统词典中,只有新牛津美语词典收录了captcha词条;在线词典中,只有yourdictionary.com对其有所收录。

66、From the angle of grammer, most of the antonymous morphemes in the compound words are adjectives, verbs and nouns; 从语法角度看,复合词语中的反义语素有形容词性、动词性和名词性的;

67、What word does this idiom come under? 这个习语应列入哪个词条项下?

68、Negative polarity terms in the English language are composed of noun phrases, adverb phrases, prepositional phrases and adjectives with the meaning of micro-quantity. 英语中的否定极性词语大多由表示微量含义的名词(短语)、副词(短语)、介词短语和形容词等组成。

69、Lexical Approach school claims that lexis not only includes words, but also lexical phrases, which are the core of language. 词汇法学派认为词汇不仅包括单词,还包括词汇短语,词汇短语是语言的核心。

70、Quantifier in numeral abbreviation breaks the restriction of grammar rules, and modifies noun, verb, adjective, adverb, numeral, empty word and affix. 数字缩略语中的数量词突破了现代汉语语法规则的规范,可以直接修饰名词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、虚词和词缀等。

71、As reported, Google Japan now delivers special “Dajare” (Japanese puns) onebox results. 据报道Google日本现在提供特殊的“Dajare”(日语双关语,维基词条 )的盒子搜索结果。

72、One of the citations in the OED entry for ellipse is from a fellownamed Liddell. 在牛津英语词典(OED)里,这个词的一条引用是出自一个叫里德尔的家伙。

73、A formal dictionary will only take you so far—and will usually stop short when you need the definition of a catchphrase, buzzword, idiom, slang word, or acronym. 一本正式的词典仅此而已,当你需要一条标语,行话,成语,俚语词或者头文字的定义的时候,通常都点到即止。

74、Chinese modal particle has no equivalent part of speech in English. 英语中没有相当于汉语语气词的词类。

75、Some Acronym, English Term or Dari Term have multiple meanings in the target language. 一些缩写,英语词条或达里语学期已在目标语言多重意义。


76、From the lexical aspect, business English is featured by technical vocabulary, abundant abbreviations and compounds, plenty of archaisms and loanwords; 从词汇方面看,商务英语具有专业词汇,缩略语和合成词多以及大量借用古词语和外来词语的特点;

77、一本正式的词典仅此而已,当你需要一条标语,行话,成语,俚语词或者头文字的定义的时候,通常都点到即止。 A formal dictionary will only take you so far—and will usually stop short when you need the definition of a catchphrase, buzzword, idiom, slang word, or acronym.

78、Owing to the anglicization for pronunciation and morphology, French loans have been provided with the English vocabulary features. 法语借词通过英语读音和词形同化而具备了英语词汇的读音和词形特征。


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