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关于”包含所有字母的一句话“的英语句子3个,句子主体:A sentence containing all the letters。以下是关于包含所有字母的一句话的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A sentence containing all the letters

1、Row 1 has a multi-byte UTF character containing 3 logical characters containing 3 bytes each (superscript denotes the storage of a single letter). 行 1 有一个包含 3 个逻辑字符的多字节 UTF 字符,其中每个字符包含 3 个字节(上标表示一个字母的存储)。

2、Messages must be no longer than 160 alphanumeric characters and contain no images or graphics. 消息不得超过 160 个字母数字字符且不包含图像或图形。

3、In all five elegies the construction of the verses follows an alphabetical arrangement. 在所有五个挽歌建设的诗句如下一个字母安排。

4、Methods containing the Pausable throws clause are processed at runtime by a scheduler, which is part of the Kilim library. 包含 Pausable throws 字句的方法在运行时由一个调度程序处理,该调度程序包含在 Kilim 库中。

5、To be or not to be,that is the question. 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得思考的问题.(莎士比亚名剧主人公的独白)

6、Projects cannot be named '. ' or '…', nor can they contain any non-alphanumeric characters. 项目名称不能包含任何非字母数字字符(包括“。

7、Must only contain Unicode letters, underscore characters, and Unicode digits. 必须只包含 Unicode 字母、下划线和 Unicode 数字。

8、The node name should contain alpha-numeric characters only and be consistent across all platforms in an organization. 节点名应该只包含字母数字字符,应该在组织中的所有平台上保持一致。

9、These statements are conceptualized as triples, each of which has a subject predicate, which is also a URI; and an object, which is a URI or literal data value. 这些语句在概念上分为三部分,每条语句包含一个主题谓词(也是一个 URI);还包括一个对象(一个 URI 或字母数据值)。

10、Include more than one honeypot field of all types, including submission buttons 包含一个以上所有类型的‘蜜罐’字段,包括提交按钮。

11、In some languages, all the sentences must include or exclude some specific substrings. Sometimes, the substrings must be replaced. It is difficult for a Turing machine to accept such languages. 某些语言中的所有句子必须包含有或者不能包含有特定的子串,或者需要将语言中句子所包含的子串进行替换。

12、Slow-moving, little-by-little, second-by-second. Letter dropped next to letter, line on top of line, dot-to-dot-to-dot… and so on. 慢慢地移动,一点点,一分一秒,一个字母接着一个字母,一行行,句点,句点,再句点......

13、Scala allows function names to include non-alphanumeric characters. Scala 允许函数名字包含非字母数字的字符。

14、Sometimes, there may also contain clauses clauses. 有时候,分句里面有可能还包含分句。

15、The translatable strings contained in localization packs can contain variables -- for example, the variable XXX in the sentence "The account number XXX doesn't exist." 本地化包中包含的可翻译字符串可以包含变量 - 例如,“The account number XXXdoesn't exist”一句中的变量 XXX。

16、There are memory challenges, word jumbles, letter ciphers, sentence constructions, and patchwork pictures. 包含了记忆挑战,单词谜团,字母密码,句子结构和拼凑图片。

17、Included column: the normal checkmark, which all included permissions have, and an additional icon, which looks like a balloon containing the letter "i". “包括”列中有两个图标:一个是正常的选中标记,所有包括的权限都有该标记;另一个是附加图标,看上去像一个含有字母“i”的气球。

18、If you omit it, your regex would match any string that begins with a letter, contains two to nine alphanumeric characters, and any number of any other characters. 如果忽略掉它,regex 将匹配开头为字母、包含 2 至 9 个字母数字字符以及任意数目的任何其他字符的所有字符串。

19、Only the matches that contain all the keywords will be displayed. 只有包含所有关键字的匹配才会被显示。

20、Everything containing string text in the whatis database. 在whatis数据库中包含字符串text的所有信息。

21、Names can contain letters, numbers, and other characters. 元素的名字可以包含子母,数字和其他字符。

22、He tried to write "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, " but he couldn't get the words and letters to go in the right order. 他试着写一句话“敏捷的棕色狐狸从懒惰的狗的身上跳了过去” 【The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.(这句话包含了英语全部26个字母——译注)】,但是却不能将词语和字母按正确的顺序写出来。

23、Only for text containing letters from the Latin alphabet is a correct result returned. 只有包含拉丁字母的文本才会有正确的返回结果。

24、People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. 人们通常因为不能辩论而争吵.

25、abcdefg=all boys can do everything for girls 所有男孩能为女孩做一切


26、This string consists of the characters shown between the quotation marks, including the letters, the comma, and the space. 这个字符串由双引号中的字符组成,包含了字母、逗号还有空格。

27、Logical volume or volume group names may only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphen, plus, period and underscore. 逻辑卷或卷组的名称只能包含半角的英文字母、数字、连字符 (-)、加号、句点和下划线。

28、Complete sentences have a subject and a verb. 完整的句子包含有主词和动词。

29、Any package in the UML code model with a name that contains period or full stop (.) characters is expanded to a sequence of nested name spaces to eliminate those periods. 包含句点或结束符(.) 字符的名字的 UML 代码模型中的任意一个包被展开到有一系列嵌套名字的空间,从而消除那些句点。

30、This aggregation takes all the sentences in a column and counts the words, returning an integer value containing the number of words for that column. 此聚合获取一列中的所有句子并计算字数,返回一个包含该列的字数的整数值。

31、Focusing on drilling pupils to write English in clear and correct strokes , including all letters of the alphabet, various phrases and sentences. 本书主要目的是训练学生写出清晰而笔顺正确的英文;其中包括所有英文字母、短语和完整句子。

32、Some font faces thus include a table containing kerning distances for a set of given glyph pairs for text layout. 有的字体外观包含一个表,它包含文本布局所需的指定字形对的字距距离。

33、She had borne two children but they were born deaf. 她生了两个孩子,但他们生来就聋.

34、Password length minimum: 7. Non-alphanumeric characters required: 1. 密码最短长度为7,其中必须包含以下非字母数字字符: 1。

35、Some are numeric and others contain letters. 有的是数字,有的则包含字母。

36、All variables in PHP start with a $ sign symbol. Variables may contain strings, numbers, or arrays. 所有的PHP变量的前面都包含一个“$”符号。变量可以包含字符串、数字、数组。

37、The first subtag must consist of only ASCII letters. 第一个子标记只能包含 ASCII 字母。

38、Generals arise from the rank and file. 将军起于行伍.

39、In all the above cases, the name of the resulting menu is name specified, stripped of the substrings between the various delimiters. 在所有上面的情况,名字是指去除所有的由各种分割符包含的子字符串后得到的特定的名字。

40、And it can be an entire saying, including punctuation, spaces, and all manner of characters. 它可以是整句话,包括标点符号、空格和所有字符样式。

41、Make sure that the profile name contains alphanumeric characters only and does not exceed 128 characters. 确保概要文件名只包含字母数字式字符串,并且长度没有超过 128 个字符。

42、A valid name can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, periods, underscores, and dashes. 有效的名称只能包含小写字母、数字、点号、下划线和连字符。

43、It displays a fixed list of all numbers and words sufficient to express any possible date and time as a sentence. 它显示了一个包含所有数字和必要词汇的的固定列表清单,可因用这个清单内的数字以及词汇在一句话之类表达 任何可能的日期和时间。

44、Three words , eight letters, He maring. 三个单词,八个字母,一句话。

45、' or '…', nor can they contain any non-alphanumeric characters. 项目名称不能包含任何非字母数字字符(包括“。

46、In other words, the type parameter is a string consisting of casting, trolling, or other. 换句话说,type 参数是包含 casting、trolling 或 other 的字符串。

47、Anger and irritation bring about early aging. [谚]不要气,不要恼,气气恼恼人快老.

48、Preprocessing number tokens lexically include all integral literal tokens (2.13.1) and all floating literal tokens (2.13.3). 预处理数字标记在词汇上包含所有整数文字量(2.13.1)和所有浮点文字量(2.13.3)。

49、The node name structure consists of alphanumeric characters only. 节点名结构中只包含字母数字字符。

50、When reading books,start from the easy to the difficult,and then from the redundant to the concise. 读书要从薄到厚,再从厚到薄.


51、A unique machine-readable name. Can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores. 一个唯一的机器可读名字。仅能包含小写字母、数字和下划线。

52、These rules specify what a password can consist of, such as whether a password should consist of only alphabets or alphanumeric characters. The following rules are supported 这些规则指定密码可以包含哪些内容,例如,密码是否应当只包含字母或字母数字字符。

53、Generate a single, secure password with no ambiguous, or easily confused, characters and at least one non-alphanumeric character 生成一个安全的密码,其中不包含含糊(即容易混淆的)字符,至少包含一个非字母数字字符

54、When you write a sentence, you must begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop. 当你写一个句子时,句首字母须大写,句末应有句号。

55、Require passwords to include letters, numbers and punctuation. 请求包含字母、数字和标点符号的密码

56、That will result in a valid SQL statement with either one or more fields in the selected fields list. 这将在选定字段列表中产生一个包含一个或多个字段的有效 SQL 语句 。

57、I'll call her right away and ask her to bring a bottle of wine. 刚才那段对话里有些句子包含了要学的语法, 现在我请英文老师再把句子念一遍给你听。

58、Please enter a computer name that is 15 characters or less and only contains letters, numbers, hyphens, or periods. 请输入计算机名,此名称不能超过15 个字符并只能包含字母、数字、连字符(-)或句点(。)。

59、Those given to the other half contained only neutral words. 剩下的志愿者所得到句子仅仅包含中性词。

60、In other words all Creation: including its people, its angels, and its jinn. 换句话说,所有的创造物:包含它的人类、它的天使、它的神灵。

61、Making sure your password is of a certain length (eight or more characters) and contains uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters -- like ! 确保您的密码具有某一长度(八个或更多字符),并包含大写字母、数字和特定的字符,如 !

62、He never saw a saw saw a saw. (他从没见过一把锯子锯锯子。

63、A literal is a character, a number, or a date that is included in the SELECT statement. 原义字符是在查询语句中包含的一个字符,数字或者是时间数据。


标签: 英文 五年级 年级

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