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关于”如何写的正文段落“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:How to write a text paragraph。以下是关于如何写的正文段落的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to write a text paragraph

Do you know what Zhang Peng is going to do on the weekend? On Saturday morning, he went to visit his grandparents in the afternoon. He was going to clean the room. On Sundays he watches TV in the morning and plays football in the afternoon.

This is his weekend plan.




Generally speaking, it is the voice of the past tense. As far as possible, long and short sentences should be used to express time. Some conjunctions and so on should be read more in English travel notes "the journey to Meishan".

People have heard that Mount Emei is very beautiful. Last summer, we came to a beautiful name called "the first show and one show". The next day, we started ahead of time because of me We are going to Jinding to see the Buddha light.

The guide said that the Buddha light is not everyone can see. If someone is lucky to see it, it will bring good luck to the people in the early morning of this life. Everything around us is still in the dark.

The ups and downs of Lianshan mountain are like the back of a giant beast. After several hours of hard climbing, it seems more mysterious. But the sky in the East is covered with gray fish bellies Back to the background of Mou, I saw the clouds rolling up "coming" and listened to a cry, for we had to stand on the top of Meijin to have a look.

A round of red and red leaped from the clouds, white clouds soared and fog surrounded the mountain stream. Everything was hazy. It really had the flavor of "I don't know the true face of Mei, only good luck is on the mountain".

I have a feeling of looking at the charming scenery. I feel as if I am in a fairyland The sun rises slowly, and the distance and extension of the green mountains are clear. In the morning light, it is even more majestic.

It outlines the beautiful curve of nature. Although we don't see the Buddha light, seeing this poem like picture scroll is already my appreciation of them. Those who stay up late regret next time when I can make up for it.




"No matter what, it's more important to build a good relationship with others than to study hard in school. Getting an excellent GPA is an important proof of your ability, because" learning "is one of the main tasks that students should accomplish in school, but excellent grades can only prove students' intelligence, and EQ is largely reflected in how you get along with others To a certain extent, it plays a crucial role in future career success, so I still believe that getting along well with others is more important than getting high marks in school.




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