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关于”做新时代好少年“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Be a good boy in the new era。以下是关于做新时代好少年的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Be a good boy in the new era

Computers are widely used in industry, commerce, education, medicine and other social stages. Computers have appeared in almost all walks of life, providing great speed and accuracy for our work. Computers have been used in families, offices, laboratories and research institutions.

As the most effective and universal tool for calculation, classification, filing, recording and distribution, computers are indispensable in modern civilization without computers. Undoubtedly, our life and our society will suffer a great retrogression. In the past 50 years, the computer has been developing rapidly since it came into being.

It has experienced the development of several generations based on vacuum tube, transistor and integrated circuit. The scale of early computer is huge, and it can not compare with the latest electronic computer in speed and precision. The latter can process the most complex information and solve problems in a short time At present, we not only do well in hardware, but also improve the quality of software.




In this regard, humor is a lubricant, which mediates tense interpersonal relationships and enables people to get along harmoniously. Sometimes people will encounter some embarrassing situations. At this time, if you can laugh at me with a few humorous words, you can ease the embarrassment and tension in the relaxed and happy laughter, and let yourself get rid of the embarrassing situation in time.




At present, almost every day we don't see a celebrity spokesperson promoting a product or a social activity on TV, Internet or other media. This is a very popular trend. We can't help but notice that celebrity spokesmen can promote the sales of a product.

However, many celebrity spokesmen, as marketing tools of some enterprises, even produce, produce, and Enterprises selling fake and shoddy goods have had a negative impact on consumers and the whole society. It is well known that they should be severely criticized and punished. Everything has a bright side and a dark side.

Some star endorsements of social activities and public publicity activities have raised public awareness and caused changes in public behavior. They are ordinary public servants There is only one positive example: Pu CX, a well-known figure, has made great contributions to the cause of AIDS prevention and control in China as a celebrity spokesman of the China AIDS Foundation. In recent years, various talent programs have appeared in major satellite TV channels across the country, ranging from super girl to happy male voice.

Such entertainment programs are very popular, especially among young people This has had a profound impact on their study and life. There are several reasons behind this trend: young people need role models to learn from. Many people are fascinated by the contestants who participate in these programs.

This has led to the continuous emergence of these programs, because television networks naturally need to cater to young audiences, and because of the economic and political reforms carried out by the government, these young people have become increasingly popular A generation has more freedom and express and show their wishes, so more and more young people want to participate in these programs.




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